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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

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Not kayfabing the dates has me all fucked up. As we've joked about before, HD gets shuffled around a lot despite being the highest rated show on the network. :lol:


The HD that just went up should be for this wk, so this HD thread should be for next week, making AM that Sunday but we know the show won't be posted till later that week (15).


All my shit this week is being handled like it's the go-home show. .

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Now you need to push HD back to the 19th because on my end you'll have a bunch of matches being built up on just one week's worth of shows. I won't stand for it! I'll pull my matches from the show entirely! I'm not KC!!!!! I stand for quality storytelling, god damn it!


Grrrrrrrrr I even told you how the HD dating would work post-SM!

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You told me AM would go down on the 12th. Now it sounds more like the 19th. At this rate AM will happen in May. :lol: Although the first AM may have actually been in May now that I think about it.

But shit, if there's one more HD then I'll hold off on the 8 man tag till next wk & do something else involving the tag titles for this wk. It's all good.

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