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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 3/22/2015

Chanel #99

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In the opening spiel Renee and Coach hyped up SluttyMania, with Renee noting that Network subscribers would be entered in a contest to win Annagret's outfit from SluttyMania!


***Krista & Jade Vs Ser Pike Pantera and Lorelei DeCenzo***

A big match with mother and daughter riding again, in matching pink skirts! Krista was paired with Pike, and when Jade entered she'd fight Lorelei. Pike didn't have many kind things to say about Lorelei, but as per King's orders fought well against Krista. Jade and Lorelei had a furious battle that wound up taking them backstage!



Those two brawl so hard the arena can't contain them!


That left Ser Pike against Krista, in a matchup of recently established rivals. Miss California managed to avoid Pike's gore no less than three times. On the third she set up for her double vertical knee finisher. But she was attacked from behind by NORTHSTAR!


Winner: Krista Isadora Duncan, via DQ


Northstar through Krista towards Pike who hit her with the Smoking Gun gore! He then picked her up and sent at Pike for a second Smoking Gun! Post match Northstar announced that he had joined The Kingsguard!




After break, Krista was in the medical room being attended to by the doctors. AC The Exile came in and said he had no clue Northstar would do what he did and promised to fight with Krista against King Landon and The Kingsguard.

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We cut to the world famous interview lounge following highlights of Deuce Deuce Bigelow’s response last week to the 3 Amigos challenge for AngleMania, saying Slaughterhouse will only accept on one condition: that being if the 3 Amigos lose Mariachi must UNMASK.

Does Mariachi want El Hijo del Sheep (the beloved mascot of All The Sheep’s Men who got served to them thanks to Slaughterhouse) bad enough that he’d risk losing his match to do so? OAOAST Hall of Famer Terry Taylor got the answer: YES!

Juicy Cantu-Si explained the importance of the mask to a luchadore, how losing it is the ultimate insult. Mariachi then jumped in and cut a firey promo in his native tongue that Juicy translated; the key line being about some things are worth fighting for and family is one of them, which they considered The Sheep and his plastic “off-spring” to be. But Terry wondered who’d their 4th partner be in the 8-man tag at AM XIV.

We have an idea.

Mariachi claps his hands excitedly.

Anyone wanna clue in little ol’ me?

Juicy whispers into Chick’s ear.

:) … Uh-huh, uh-huh… :huh: … AAH! *faints*

* THUD *

Based on Chick’s reaction, you’ve got yourselves one heck of a mystery partner for AngleMania!

It’ll make the world right. :)

Mariachi giggles. Then he and Juicy assist Chick off the set.

He’s a mad man. A maaaaad maaaaaan!

Terry, you idiot! You never got them to spill the beans!

Then it wouldn’t be a mystery, would it? We’ll just have to wait until AngleMania XIV to find out!

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*** Mardi Gras Hellfire Club vs. Blaine Cayley & Brian Travis Kidd ***

Although present physically, mentally Blaine was elsewhere as he remained on the apron brooding/smoking his e-cig during the ENTIRE match, leaving BTK to fight the MGHFC alone. Every time it appeared BTK found an opening and was about to make a tag he’d get cut off by the other member of the MGHFC. This prompted fellow Team Screamer and reigning OAOAST United States Champion OSCAR FRIBERG to show up ringside and snap Blaine out of his trance. When that failed Oscar offered to take Blaine’s spot but the referee rightfully denied his request, to the amusement of the MGHFC who taunted Oscar and then finally put BTK away with their 3:10 to Hell Mustache Ride/top rope swinging DDT combo.  

Winners: Mardi Gras Hellfire Club, via pinfall.

A valiant effort by BTK, but he wasn’t going to beat a team the caliber of the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club alone.

Rico unsuccessfully tries to get chicks to show their tits after the match in celebration of the MGHFC’s win.

(to Reene)
Show ’im what you got, baby girl!

Not for a creep like Rico!



For me?



You're creeping up the list!




Meanwhile, Blaine snaps back to reality, slapping the turnbuckle angrily while dropping an F-bomb. Oscar looks at him like WTF as he tends to BTK. Although Blaine actually shows a bit of compassion, in his own weird way, by letting BTK know “It’s not your fault.”

At least Blaine understands the consequences of his actions this evening.

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Gedrun Spoons was seen in the interview lounge with her tempermental daughter Annagret Wickedborn.



Gawd! I don't see why you need to accompany me at SluttyMania!



You and your sister have made bad choices as of late.


Annagret pouted at this, as Gedrun explained how terrible it was of them to turn Colin Magurie SR into a Valkyrie.



We were trying to save you!



And now I must save the realm. You will be watched by me and also protected. But in the end it is your match to win. Or lose.



Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence!

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Sophie was on hand with Terry Taylor for an interview about SluttyMania. Our boss was thrilled with the preparations and the lineup for the card and of course plugged that you can see it on the OAOAST Network. Terry asked if he could have a free month, but Sophie would only give him three dollars off the fee. The two talked about the Ejaculation Chamber and Sophie's participation in it. Even though she's the highest ranking official we have, she says she hadn't seen the chamber at all. For it wouldn't be fair for her to have a sneak peek. She also knew the judges won't give her any favors so she promised to go all out and make "zhe greatest SluttyMania moments in zhe historie de la OAOAST catch!"



Fuck is catch? This is wrasslin!



Catch is wrestling in French!

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*** Grudge Match: Logan Mann vs. Alexander The Brutal ***

A match intended to blow off a rivalry that dates back to the middle of last year ended in a massive brawl after BLAINE confronted Alexander over what happened in his tag bout earlier in the night, blaming him for the loss!

The whole Blaine understanding the consequences of his actions thing? I take that back.

Before the match OAOAST U.S. Champion Oscar Friberg joined RC at Sofa Central to lend his expertise, as well as hype his upcoming title defense against Logan at AngleMania XIV. He also touched on the Blaine situation from earlier in the show that treaded worldwide, stating Blaine has been apart of Team Scream for over 4 months now and the guys still know little about him. “We didn’t even know he had a sister until a few weeks ago!” and that “Only Blaine knows what Blaine’s thinking.”    

Little did Oscar know he’d once again have to defuse a situation involving Blaine after the bad boy of Team Scream showed up to confront Alexander. Having knocked Logan out to the floor moments prior, the Modern Day Gladiator was completely focused on the task at hand, leaving him no time to deal with Blaine.

Alexander giving Blaine the cold shoulder!

He’s in the middle of a match! Couldn’t Blaine wait until it was over?

Being ignored only pisses Blaine off further, despite Oscar’s attempt to cool him down, so he reaches over the ropes and shoves Alexander in the back!


OAOAST mics pick up Blaine telling Alexander it should’ve been them in a rematch against the MGHFC tonight and how it’s his fault BTK got his ass beat.

So you wanna be a tag team is what you’re saying?

You wish we were a tag team. I’m saying we had unfinished business.

As do I. And I plan on finishing it right now!

Suddenly Alexander hears footsteps and moves, causing Logan to strike Blaine with a running double axe handle smash! Pissed, Blaine lifts himself off the apron and enters the ring… only to eat a BIG BOOT -- a blow Alexander meant for Logan who ducked.


Blaine pops to his feet clutching his jaw and shoves Alexander who shoves back. Then the two come to blows as Logan bails, watching outside in amusement, and Oscar enters to help the ref separate the guys. Something easier said than done. The OAOAST Galaxy loves it though. But their cheers turn to jeers when Logan grabs the US title and blindsides Oscar with a ::beltshot::

Logan with the cheap shot!

Blaine then takes a shot at Logan who quickly hightails it, although pleased with his actions. More OAOAST officials rush the two to restore order.

Winner: No contest.

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The XFL stood in the ring with AllXFL.com and The All XFL Network, a true bevy of beauties. He informed the crowd that smart money was on a clean XFL sweep at SluttyMania. He pointed out that both members of AllXFL.com stood at 5'11 "and you can teach or beat size." As for The Network, he put his arm around the sisters and said they had been through so much and that Charlie says god is going to will them to victory.


The later half of the promo was devoted to Bohemoth.



I wish you would try and take my women, my boys, my manager, and my money from me, son! I wish you would come at The Young Wolf and try to eat his meal. Watch you become the meal. It can go zero to one hundred real quick on you, son, ain't no joke. You wanna talk Pop Warner? Boy I'm gonna give my a Hall of Fame beating if you ever try me and mines.


The XFL the noted that both he and Bohemoth would be in the AngleMania Money In The Bank ladder match, but said he'd make sure Bohemoth wouldn't walk out with the briefcase. For some reason this brought out Silver who had nothing but good to say about The XFL.



I'm in love with the hope that resides within you, Xavier, and I will help you in any way I can so that you can climb that ladder and get that contract and be the hope the world needs right now!


The XFL didn't exactly trust Silver, but Silver didn't notice or care as we went to commercial.

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***Fairly Odd Vamps Vs Sunshine Yukino and Megan Skye***

Though Yuki and Megan tried their best, they weren't up to snuff to compete with a pair of supernatural Hotties. Lyric and Titania were rarely in any danger, and Lyric's powerbomb into a lung blower finisher on Yuki was enough to seal the deal.


Winner: Fairly Odd Vamps, via pinfall


Post-match the winners declared themselves the easy victors of the four way tag at SM.


The OAOAST SPINEBUSTER OF THE WEEK~! looked back at the 2015 Anderson Cup Finals won by Christ Air Express (first team ever to win the AC twice) following an assist from OAOAST tag champions Hood Again.

Back LIVE, OAOAST correspondent Sara Jean Underwood introduced the CAE to thunderous applause. The identical twin sensations walked out holding their AC trophy. SJU congratulated the guys and made mention once again about them becoming the first team ever to win the AC twice. In addition, SJU noted the guys went on to win the tag titles at AngleMania that year and asked the big question: “Can history repeat itself at AngleMania?”

What do you people think?

* crowd roars *

That pretty much says it all.

“Westside, Right On Time” by Kendrick Lamar featuring Young Jeezy suddenly blasts through the speakers and reigning OAOAST tag champs HOOD AGAIN made their presence felt, showing up with their manager/uncle Marcellus Wallace and rocking BULLETPROOF VEST HOODIES!.

DAMN! You’re mighty fine!


You ain’t too bad yourself, girl.


I’d love a trophy like that, and I’m sure my nephews would too. But as nice as it’d look next to my collection of hood ornaments, you ain’t gotta worry about us jackin’ you up and takin’ your shit ‘cause we got the gold and we’re the shit!

* sizeable pop *

Moses and Kawhi nod. They also enjoy checking out SJU. Who can blame them?

I suppose you guys are out here to get a thank you for your help last week?

Hood Again all laugh.

Help?! What year do you think this is, 1950? These boys from the hood didn’t go out there to help, they went out to deliver justice. Something that’s supposed to be blind. People preach it, few practice it. Not in our hood though. ‘Cause in our hood, if you don’t practice it we’re gonna bring it to you. And them shiny gold belt around my nephews shoulders say the OAOAST is our hood!


The CAE nod. They respect that.

So no, we ain’t looking for no ‘thanks‘, we’re here to answer the big question: ‘Can history repeat itself at AngleMania?’

Marcellus shoots his nephews a look. They’re amused by the question.

Hell-to the MUTHAFUCKIN’-no!


Now the CAE are amused.

I guess we'll find out at AngleMania, won't we?

That amuses HA again. Maybe too much of something being passed around backstage!

Like I'm sure my daddy would say if I knew who the fuck he was; why wait till tomorrow to do what you can today?

* crowd pops *

OAOAST officials panic and rush the ring before things can escalate, leaving both teams to stare each other down as the CAE‘s music hits.

Rising tensions can only mean AngleMania is near! And what a match it should be when Hood Again defend the OAOAST tag team championship at AngleMania XIV against the CAE!

Suddenly a shirtless GUY wearing a yellow trench coat and white windbreaker pants with fashionably stylish spiked hair surprises RC at Sofa Central.

My calculations were correct! I’ve arrived in the OAOAST! I’ve arrived Coach and Reene!

You’ve arrived Doc!

Doc rolls in the ring, which is now cleared, and fires up the crowd with his energy.

You know this guy?

Unlike you, I try to keep up with what’s going on in pro wrestling. And this here is OAOAST newcomer Doc White, a man with quite a cult following on the internet…

The internet?!

… for his zany personality, which includes “traveling” to different promotions around the world in hopes of becoming a superstar. Wildly popular, especially in Japan, championship gold has allude him everywhere he’s competed.

Translation: His win/loss record is terrible.

Not from a lack of trying! But he has a bunch of cool MOVEZ~! Like his rolling abdominal stretch cradle pin he calls The Doc’s Alive!

The Doc might be dead momentarily because his debut match is against Big Papa Thrust! And it’s next!

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*** Big Papa Thrust w/ the Freakazoids vs. Doc White ***

Looking to make an impression in his OAOAST debut, Doc pounced on BPT immediately after entering the ring, but the Big Bad Glutei Daddy returned fire and chopped/forearm smashed the shit outta Doc in the corner, then used Doc’s own jacket to strangle him!


I told you he’d be dead after stepping in the ring with Big Papa Thrust!

Doc fought back and leveled BPT with a beautiful dropkick for a near fall. We almost got a look at his rolling abdominal stretch cradle pin, but BPT countered with a hip toss and followed with his Boomshakalaka clothesline/elbow drop 1-2 combo. Then he forced him to tap in the Lay-Z-Boy camel clutch.

Winner: Big Papa Thrust, via submission.



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House Asgard was in the ring for a promo, which focused on The Menagerie. Fenrir told the fans that on The Anglemania pre-show he and Jormungandr would be facing off against The Kings of the Heap. The Crystal Wolf said nothing in any realm would "stop us from tearing you apart", which got a huge pop from the fans. Jormungandr spoke in his soft dangerous voice and said "there are worse places for the dirty ones to be than the heap, such as in the ring with Sons of Ragnarok."


A cage then lowered from the ceiling as Eggther took hold of the mic to talk about Leon Rodez.



I will step into this cage on HeldDOWN next week look Leon Rodez in the eyes, and tell him the devil dies tonight!



Damn, b, settle down!


The fans chanted Eggther's name and supported him as he rallied against The Devil Inside and all that he stands for. Finally Eggther closed his pormo.



 I will beat the stuffing, the piss, the tar, the crap, the life, and the shit out of Leon Rodez, I promise you that!



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**Sugar Flair and Melissa Nerdly Vs Maya Duncan-Blanchard & December Belle***


Sugar got on the mic for some pre-match slander and informed the audience that December's dad used to snif Sugar's underwear when Sugar was five and December comes from a long line of "perverts and sexual predators, because that's what Belles are, stinking dummies and stinking deviants!"


Well, December didn't take this well and unloaded on Sugar! Melissa went to help and got tackled by Maya! The four girls fought outside the ring, which didn't even allow the match to begin.


Sugar got a hold of Melissa's guitar and decided she was gonna take December out once and for all! But Dasha made the save for her fellow Sunray!


This brought out Holly who began a brawl with the fun loving Ukrainian!


Mayhem continued, with Sugar not participating but running away from December! The Nature Girl reached her title belt, but was stopped from using it by Bobbi Cheesecake!


Bobbi chased down Sugar only to be attacked by Malaysia!


Sugar still avoided contact and started screaming for Maggie to help her! Of course Maggie didn't show up, but Pierette did!



I'd rather no help at all than you!


Now Sugar had to run away from Pierette as well as December! Luckily for her Morgan came out and ran after Pierette, which did indeed summon Maggie! And of course things went crazier when Gloss showed up with flashing fangs!


Sugar ran to safety with the aid of Anastasia Violetta. Unfortunately for Violetta, Fire & Ice combined to hit her with a double back body drop at the base of the entrance ramp.


Though Sugar escaped, she could only watch in dismay as December stood tall and proud in the center of the ring with her belt!



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