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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

OAOAST IntenseZone - 5/13/02

Chanel #99

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Opening Sequence...Flashes of red, green, and blue light alternate with images of the aWo, In-Crowd, Deadly Alliance, Faces of Fear, and a cage.


Opening Segment:

Beastie Boys' Alive hits and Big Poppa Popick walks out to the ring. Already in the ring is a ping-pong lottery ball machine. To it's right for the crowd to see there's an electronic board for where the picks go.

BPP poses with the Cruiserweight Title on all four turnbuckles to a mixture of boos and cheers. A mic is pulled from beneath his baseball jersey with TDA logolized on the front and BigPoppa with the number S.O.L on the back.

"Ladies and Gentleman, tonite, 7 days before WarGames, I, acting as the Commissioner since well, I OWN the office will draw at random the order of the Participants. As you know, The Faces of Fear will fight against the team of the Deadly Alliance and The In-Crowd, who will fight the aWo red squad, who will fight the aWo blue squad."

"So Without futher interupption, the order of WarGames will be..

At this time, BPP twirls the ball machine and reaches in to grab a name written on the ball. Looking at it, he then reaches in and chooses another.

"Starting at WarGames will be EarthQuake and BigMcLargeHuge!

crowd gasps. *BPP obviously just screwed his adversary from AnglePalooza.*

Entering third, AlfDogg!

*the aWo gets two members against Earthquake*

Fourth will be EvenFlowDDT...and entering in the fifth spot, Zack Malibu!

*This isn't fair, the Deadly Alliance and In-Crowd have an advantage!*

The sixth entrant will be Some Guy!

*Camera pans to the back to see Some Guy throw a fit. He's obviously pissed at his placement.*

The Sandman will be number 7!

Eighth, the Shark!

The Ninth man will be CWM! *crowd cheers*!

Camera in the back shows CWM telling Some Guy..."See, I'll be out there...remember, the aWo is sticking together. All nod.. Some Guy is noticableyl less upset.

At 10, AnglePlex!

Again, the aWo is being shown very happy with this order. Angleplex comments, "See they give me the 10th spot because they know I'm a perfect 10. Caboose rolls his eyes.

*The aWo will be strong going into the last round!*

Eleventh, BPP chuckles, will be myself!

At the 12th and 13th spots, Golga and Avalanche!

*That will put the Faces very strong in the final leg!*

Entering 14th, AngleSault! To be followed by The Sole Survivor at 16.

BPP Stops the ball machine and announces the the last spot in WarGames...belongs...to Caboose.

The camera pans back to the aWo locker room, where they congratulate a stunned Caboose on being the last. The aWo starts to chant...We're gonna win, we got the last entrant...We're gonna win...and so on...

BPP is obviously upset with the draw and leaves the ring.

-From an Undisclosed Location...The MarioLogan Saga continues

::the three men continue to chant, while the Druids toss people into the flames. A demonic scream is heard from the pit. The Master laughs::

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White text on black picture...We don't need no stinking recaps!

Segment 2

We come back to see Anglesault already in the ring with a mic.

"I didn't have a match tonite, but right now, I'm here to teach a little snot-nosed punk a lesson in paying dues!

Saliva's Superstar plays, out comes THE SUPERSTAR!

Tieup, AS pushes Supa into the turnbuckle...ref attempts a breakup, but CT eyepokes Supa and starts chopping like a lumberjack, whip into the far corner with a clothesline, another whip, but Supa holds on and reverses into a sleeper drop! Both men up...AS with a discus clothesline to put Supa down for a 1...2.. no!

TC picks up Supa for the brainbuster! Out of nowhere comes TSS and TrebleCharged and a steel chair!. and hits AS's stomach square while while the ref is tied up with TSS!

Supa flips down and picks up AS...it could be...setup into a tombstone position..StarPower Driver...

TC and TSS bail as the ref sees Supa climb the turnbuckle and hit the 450 SupaSuplash!

1...2...3! Supa wins and is given a OAOAST contract! He grabs a mic...

"Anyone back there man enough to challenge me at AngleSlam! Huh? I'll be at HeldDown, and I expect an answer! Who dares compete with my Greatness!"

Your winner by pinfall, The SuperStar

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Backstage, a Limo is seen pulling up, 2 gorgeous ladies get out and say.."Cya later hot stuff! hehe"

Continuing backstage, BPP and TSS are sitting at the DAPA office when Zack comes in with his entourage. They sit down, the DAPA drinking Bud while Zack and co enjoy Zimas.

TSS - "Hey Zack, heard anything from Evenflow?"

"Nah man, I know he's laid up at BPP's place. I don't think he is going to make it tonite."

BPP - "Zack, the boy wasn't there when I left this morning"

"Ahh shit, hand me a real beer..."

TSS - Now we gotta figure out and strategize about our matches tonite...

BPP - Okay fellas, here's the gameplan...The big suprise is...*black*

Camera transfers to the aWo locker-room, where GoodHelmet the pizza boy is knocking on the door.

AS answers. "Hey fellas the Red,White, and Blue Anchoives special we ordered is here"

AnglePlex and Caboose are seen bickering over one of the larger slices, while CWM slinks back alone in a corner. Some Guy rolls his eyes.

---INTENSE ZONE~! EXCLUSIVE - from The Body Shop, with Tony the Body---

::Bodyguards are taking Caboose away::

Tony "The Body": "We're here with Caboose. Whose being thrown out of the studio. What happened out there? You said you & Angle-Plex were like family."

Caboose: "I don't appreciate people making false allegations about the aWo, I take great... ::Looks at Tony::

...I see why you thought there would be problems but believe me when I say there aren't.

Like yesterday I went Skiing with Angle-Plex's wife...


...and kids.

His family is my family, and my family is his family, the aWo. He'll pay at AngleSlam."

::Caboose is taken outside the studio::

::Commerical ad for "The Body Shop"::

"This Saturday on "The Body Shop". Tony "The Body" runs down the final AngleSlam card. On 'The Body Slam', OAOAST World Champion Anglesault is the guest. And the infamous and oh so dangerous, Dungeon of Doom will appear in an exclusive interview.

All that and more! This Saturday before AngleSlam! It's 'The Body Shop'!"

TSS leaves the DAPA office for his match

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OAOAST HardCore TItle Match

We come back to find The Sole Survivor being attacked by Sandman...The two brawl out to the ring...where Sandman throws TSS into the ring while he goes under in search of the plunder...and more plunder...and more plunder...

Sandman in the ring with a cane...shot to the back of TSS. Whips TSS but holds on and canelines him down to the mat for a 1 count...TSS up and outside the ring...Sandman perches on the top rope as TSS turns around...attemped Double AxeHandle...but no! TSS counters with a Release German Suplex!

TSS grabs a trash can lid...Bonk! Boink! Blam! Sandman goes down again... TSS scales the ropes for an attempted 450 splash but Sandman rolls out of the way and out of the ring. He grabs a trash can and throws it in...TSS hit with the trashcan, and lands near a pile of trash...Sandman to the top-rope for a super trash=can smash...but as he comes down TSS comes up with a broomhandle that stops the trashcan dead in Sandman's face...! Rollup with tight for the 1...2...no! Sandman groggily kicks out and gets to his feet, throwing blind rights and lefts , one connects and TSS is crumpled! Sandman with a chair for the 666, but TSS rolls out to the side and strikes THE CLOTHESLINE OF ALMOST CERTAIN DOOM for the 3 count!

Your winner by pinfall and still OAOAST Hardcore Champion, The Sole Survivor!

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The Coach catches up with TrebleCleft in the back.

Johnathan Coachman - TC, why are you in the women's title match?

Treble Charged - Well Coach, it seems that everyone here wants to make a big joke about me. First its with Anglesault and the aWo, and now they expect me to job to a woman? Puhlease! If the only way I can get some respect around here is to show that men are better than women, so be it...that title is mine, and it's going into the trash the first chance I get....Woman don't deserve to wrestle, unless its in bed...

Backstage in the DAPA / Commissioner's office

BPP - Ladies and Gentleman, due to Men on a Mission's inability to both defend the titles and lose weight, I hereby strip them of the Tag Team Titles.

Starting after Anglemania, 8 Tag Teams may sign up at IntenseZone or HeldDown! to participate in a single-elimination tournament ending at the next PPV. 2 Matches will be held the next week on each show, and a mini-tournament with the surviving four teams shall be one of the PPV's star attractions.

And that, is Final!

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OAOAST Women's Title Match

Molly is already in the ring as Ghast makes his way out...Molly wastes no time and takes him down with a SPEAR!..>TrebleCleft up to break up the count as Ghast rolls to the outside...Molly with some stiff shots, and knocks TrebleCleft into the turnbuckle...Molly places TC on the second rope, and SUPERPLEXES him...Molly to the top rope to attempt the Molly-Go-Round, but a lurking Ghast pushes her off and into a Treble-Cleft Small Package with tights...1...2..Molly places her foot on the rope but Ghast knocks it away 3...!

Your Winner and new OAOAST Women's Champion, Treble Charged...

Ghast and Treble Charge pose with the belt...but as they turn around they are met with a very angry Anglesault, who Testicle Sledges both for a sing-along 10 count ...

AS with the mike..."TC, you think you're tougher than a woman, you're wrong...At Angleslam, you can face my Molly in a rematch!"

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Camera pans to see Big Everchad! in the front row, the mega-movie star! He gets up to a thunderous ovation from the crowd...but as he turns to sit back down, the Faces of Fear appear and Demolish him.

MarioLogan grabs the mike...

"You think you've seen what my faces can do? You think you've seen fear? All your idols, all your worship, all your happiness is for naught. Because at AngleSlam, Fear Runs Cold..."

The Faces continue a vicious assault on Big Everchad...culminated with a double-decker Tenta Powerbomb as the EMT's arrive... However, it is the Faces and not the EMTS who take Bif away from the arena

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"The Right Medal" plays and out comes Some Guy and CWM ... CWM grabs a mike and apologies to the fans that Caboose couldn't be here, but that he will be in the aWo's corner at AngleSlam, and once he and AP put away their differences in Hell in a Cell, the aWo will be ready for anything.

"Darude, Sandstorm" plays as BPP and Zack Malibu make their way to the ring and pose on the buckles.

The ref rings the bell and the matches begins as BPP and Some Guy stare off.

BPP tags in Zack...Zack tackles SG but SG rolls through and hits a leglock, and another, and another! Pickup and suplex into a float-over pin...BPP breaks it up before the hand falls three times.

SG tags in CWM who is a house-of-fire on Zack...Rolling DDT's into a pin, but again BPP breaks it up...

CWM throws Zack into the turnbuckle...mounts, but Zack recovers and hits a spinning spinebuster! Hot tags all around. BPP hits with two rights, but Seom Guy blocks the third and ddts BPP down...

Some Guy tosses BPP outside the ring and distracts the ref as CWM throws BPP into the steel steps...roll back into the ring and a cover by Some Guy, broken up by Zack!

Pickup and whip by Some Guy, but BPP catches him with a running neckbreaker. Both men crawl to the corner, but BPP fails to tag in Zack, who instead launches himself over the ropes and through the ref...only to be clotheslined down by CWM

BPP grabs something and lays there motionless...pickup and whip, but CWM is backdropped over the top rope! A groggy Zack falls down and is hit by a SomeMoonsault, SG covers but the ref refuses to count. Zack isn't the legal man!

As BPP picks up his title belt...Caboose comes sprinting to the ring to warn the aWo, but right behind him comes Angle-Plex who confronts caboose and prevents C from warning a groggy Some Guy. SG gets further distracted when Alfdogg sprints down and confronts both. Some Guy throws his hands up and manages to duck the belt shot...hitting the SomeStunner on BPP, who flops in the corner

Ref turns and counts, but Zack pulls SG out of the ring and throws him into the other steel steps...

A groggy BPP crawls to his corner and tags in Zack while the aWo continue to bicker on the ramp, with Angle-Plex stricking Caboose with a chop and a clothesline!

ZacK Malibu is in, and Some Guy crawls to his corner to tag in CWM, but CWM is still out

SG turns around as Zack utilizes the Cruiserweight belt to lay out SG for a quick 2 count!

Zack pouts, and Some Guy catches him a SomeSchoolboy for a quick three! Zack recovers and hits the OLD SCHOOL EXPULSION on Some Guy, knocking him out

Alfdogg, seeing what happened, runs down to the ring and dumps Zack out of the ring, and then grabs a nearly unconscious BPP

Alfdogg lays BPP out with stiff shot after shot, eventually bloodying the Cruiserweight Champ... Anglesault runs past a fighting AP and Caboose, yells, "what the hell?" and runs to the ring and testicle sledges BPP and a recovering Zack Malibu

As Caboose and AP fight offstage, the remaining aWo members Anglesault, Some Guy, CWM, and a loner Alfdogg raise their hands in victory...

What will happen on Helddown!!


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Black,then laughter, the feed changes...

-MarioLogan once again at the pit of fire

::The chanting is interupted when the flames jump up. All three men are pushed back. A creature rises out of the pit, and all three do the Trademark Dungeon laugh. The creature turns around and faces the camera, it's Jingus::

Bif Everchad, who is kneeling before the pit...lets out a blood curling scream before the camera fades to black

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