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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Belated X-Mas HD~!

Chanel #99

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The show cold opens to Double C stood in the center of the ring, where they have a wealth of presents!



Happy Holidays! From our family to yours!



We got presents for ya'll undeserving ass niglets too.



Let's hand em out!


A boy of anguish now, he's a man of soul,
Traded in his misery for the lonely life of the road.
The years were cruel to him no,
He won't let them go.
Lays awake tryna' find the man inside to pack his bags and escape this world.


“BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” the fans hiss as “Moving On” booms into the arena, certainly not Christmas music. The entire Menagerie appears on stage, and led by Leon Rodez they stride to the ring as a troubling sight.



What's this? Giving away presents on a religious holiday? Who thought that was a good idea?



Speak up, it was you wasn't it Cole.



It was him!



Cowardice and saving your own ass, that's the true Christmas spirit. Well done, Coach.



Thanks, man.



Leon, can you leave?



Not until the presents are taken care of. Sloppy?


Sloppy hits the ropes, confusing all but The Menagerie. But when he comes off everyone is horrified to see him perform a gigantic splash onto the presents. We hear many things shatter, break and crack.





Those were for the Galaxy!



I don't care. Kings the tree.


The Kings of The Heap depart the ring with cold eyes locked on the Christmas tree. With one easy shove they topple it, sending ornamnets tumbling around the outside mats.



Silver the menorah


Over the ropes jumps Silver, and he merrily slides to the Menroah. Thankfully he doesn't start a fire and just blows it out.



Can I have play time with the toys?



Sure, I don't care.



Yip-yip-yippee! Come on Mags!






Leon, why are you doing this?



This is the lords season, isn't. And I'm the only God you know. So it's my season!





But I don't spread Holiday cheer I deliver holiday misery to everyone in every realm! And now for the grand finale, the star on the tree-


And who are you, the proud lord said,
that I must bow so low?
Only a cat of a different coat,
that's all the truth I know.
In a coat of gold or a coat of red,
a lion still has claws,
And mine are long and sharp, my lord,
as long and sharp as yours.
And so he spoke, and so he spoke,
that lord of Castamere,
But now the rains weep o'er his hall,
with no one there to hear.
Yes now the rains weep o'er his hall,
and not a soul to hear.


“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans respond to Rains of Castamere while Leon turns his lips into a scowl for the arrival of House Asgard.



Leon and suckas!



That's not our name!



Your name is what I say it is bioooootch!





I thought I commanded you people to give us the six man titles. Where are they?



In yo mom's bedroom with my underwear, dupe!



You're starting to annoy me.



If the usurper wants misery spread and titles to take, he will see the men of House Asgard at New Years Spectacular.



And there he'll see the blood run freely!


“YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” the fans sing, severely testing Leon's patience.



Fine! Silver and The Kings will make you bow to me!


The Last Kings lead the threats against House Asgard with Leon pacing angrily as we head to commercial






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Big IQ vs. The Playmakers
All The Sheep’s Men vs. Big Boy & Sonic Jr.
VICE vs. Big Papa Thrust & Mr. Dick -- NEW YEAR'S SPECTACULAR
Cobra Strike vs. Celtic Gothic


Christ Air Express vs. The Party Brigade
Pretty Dreamy, Bitches vs. J-MAX & Biffman -- NEW YEAR'S SPECTACULAR
Dem Bums vs. Brock Ausstin & Mathis Golden
Mardi Gras Hellfire Club vs. Team Scream


TO THE BACK~!, where the Freakazoids shriek after Big Papa Thrust slams a monitor in disgust.

Dick! What’s with this tournament shit?! We shouldn’t have to win 4 rounds just to get a tag title shot.

Exactly! We oughta be the champs right now. But why aren’t we? Because of VICE, that’s who. And the brackets couldn’t have worked out any better for us, because who do we get first? VICE! Yeah it’s a little extra work, but we can smoke all these other teams in the Anderson Cup.

I a--

SHUT UP! I’m tired of being dicked over! We got no rematch for the tag titles, I got no rematch for the World title even though the OAOAST came begging me to give Krista another shot, but they want me to participate in their goddamn tournament? FUCK THAT!!

BPT leaves with Busty and Holly right behind. Oohlala stays with MD.

(to MD)
He’ll come around. You’ll see.

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*** Non-title Grudge Match: Oscar Friberg & Jo-Jo Whoa vs. The Army of 1 Nation w/ Judge Dudd ***

Originally scheduled to be Oscar and Blaine representing Team Scream, Jo-Jo Whoa had to fill-in last minute after Blaine refused to participate, telling the guys “It’s not my war to fight. Rico, Lucius-- there‘s my fight.”

Brian Travis Kidd arrived on the scene to reason with Blaine to no avail. The guys watched as Blaine returned backstage muttering the names of the Mardi Gras Hellfire Club. Needless to say the Ao1N (tag champs & co-US titleholders) used the opportunity to launch an attack, surprising Oscar and Jo-Jo while the official instructed BTK to keep his distance.

I think the ref oughta be more concerned with Judge Dudd than BTK.

Kid’s lightning quick -- capable of sneaking one in undected. Plus I wouldn’t be too trusting of anyone with the initials BTK!

Oscar and Jo-Jo would mount a comeback and then all hell broke loose as all 4 superstars brawled ringside, resulting in a count out.

Winners: Double count out

Later in the night it was announced all 4 would meet again, this time in a Fatal 4 Way Texas Tornado match for the United States Championship at the OAOAST New Year’s Spectacular!



Feburary 28, live from Dubai!



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Jessup, Maryland


This is Denny's. What else need I say? Annagret Wickedborn wouldn't be caught dead here, except she's searching for someone very important.


The teenage Hottie walks through the door and looks around, not even bothering to acknowledge the hostess.



Welcome! Table for one?



Ugh! Really? More like table for none.


Disgusted with even being here, Annagret storms away from the hostess and carries herself all the way into the kitchen.



Can I help you?



Ugh, keep your grubby mitts off. Where is he?



Young lady-



There you are!


Annagret stomps ahead to see...







Ohh-emmm-gee, for real? I thought this was a joke!



Go home, Annagret.



I don't have a home, smart guy, I got kicked out by Leon.


Odin lowers his head as he's all to aware of that.



What are you doing here anyway?



I am earning a living. A human living.



Hey, Oswald?






Your girlfriend can't be here!



Girlfriend? Oh my god, gross! Gross! Gross!



You need to go.



I need your help.



Do I look like I can help you?!



Mom's been kidnapped by Colin.






Of course you already knew that. So what are you doing about it?


Odin clenches his fists, for he knows there's nothing he can do.






I can't do anything! Colin is a vampire! Ivar is a vampire! I am a human! A human! They will kill me!



Your afraid of death?!



Yes! I am afraid of death! I am afraid to cross the street, or go out in a Thunderstorm or fly on a plane! I am afraid, Annagret! I am! And...I'm afraid I can't help your mother. She is lost.


Annagret raises her hand, ready to slap her had. But then she sadly drops it.



Your not even worth it anymore.


And with that Annagret walks out Odin's meager life.

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***Bohemoth and Big IQ Vs The All XFL Team (The Playmakers and Brock Ausstin) W/Rick Heyross***


The XFL and Brock were watching backstage while already sipping victory drinks.



There we see The XFL and Brock, we also know that Big IQ and The Playmakers will meet in the first round of the Anderson Cup in the Morrison bracket.



It should be The Miz bracket now!


Bad feelings were felt all around by Big IQ and Bohemoth, but somehow Big IQ agreed to let Bohemoth start against Moss. Problem is, Moss was in prematch prayer. Well, The Man didn't care and attacked him!



Its Christmas!


It may be Christmas but apparently Bo has no love for Jesus' or his birthday and wailed on the savoir's favorite wrestler. Moss was able to escape and made a smart tag to QB1. The flashy fighter showed Black Excellence in hitting Bohemoth with an array of kicks. These blows were enough to chase him out the ring and Ice Quiz stepped in his place.


Ice Quiz wanted to dap Benjamin up simply because QB is black, but the former collegiate star smacked him with a superkick that might have pinned IQ if it weren't for CW breaking up the pin. This brought in Golden who pitched Wright out of the ring! QB and Golden set up IQ for a double team, but The King of Hip Hop smashed them both with double lariats!


Golden got a legal tag pitting him against fellow big man Ice Quiz. Neither man could get the advantage over the other, so Ice Quiz tagged in Wright to use his quickness over Golden's size. For a moment this looked like failure but Wright unleashed a series of superkicks that felled Golden and got a close two count.


But when Wright tried a frog splash, Golden moved and tagged in Moss. The Playmakers took over the contest using various moves to work over their foe's neck. All hope looked loss until Wright surprised QB1 with a Wright Off (Sky High)! The fans cheered and Wright crawled to his corner to tag in Ice Quiz!


The hip hop icon cleaned house on The Playmakers, but was clubbed down by Mathis Golden. Bohemoth ran up on Golden but got punched square in the jaw and decided to GTFO!



Bohemoth is walking out!



Why wouldn't he? What does he care about Big IQ? Wright smashed him with a tea pot!



Despite the unfair odds, Big IQ fought back, ridding the ring of Golden and then Benjamin. This left Moss alone to get hit by an IQ flap jack and a CW jawbreaker!



Get Ya Mind Right!


That move secured a huge win for Big IQ heading into the Anderson Cup!


Winner: Big IQ, via pinfall


Bohemoth backs up the ramp looking proud of himself despite having walked out. His good mood is extinguished when BROCK AUSSTIN clubs him from behind! The Beast can't fight back and is hit with a F-Stunner-5 by his NYS foe! Standing tall, Brock does the happy hoss dance over his broken rival!

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Inside the Sunrise offices...



DECEMBER BELLE is pouring over her Dickipedia when...



DASHA YUSCHENKO realizes something



December, December! Its your month!



Ohhh yeaaaaaah, it is. I lose track of time sometimes.



You lose track of whole month?



I can get sort of spacy every once in a while.



Spacy December like Space Jam! Mike Jordan very good, not Tim Duncan, no sir. How is the Dickipedia doing today?



Great! I added in a few notes about piercings. Some historical, I was doing research but I feel asleep and had a great dream about Teddy Buckworth, a dragon and a shrimp boat.



Dreams are fun! But I ask you important question. Will you be in my corner at NYS against bad Sugary Belle who says she bad Sugary Flair.



I don't know I was planning on taking a good nap that day.



Nap later of the on.



Plus, I did grow up helping to raise Sugar, I couldn't corner against her. But you're my friend, so if she tries any dirty tricks, I'll make sure I'm on hand to stop her.



You good person named after good month, December Belle.




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Inside the car of ATSM we see Mariachi looking sad in the passenger’s seat as Juicy mans the wheel.

Hola a todos nuestros amigos! This is another ATSM vlog. Last week you saw our trip to Haiti. Not a very good one but desperate times call for desperate measures, si? Anyway, the OAOAST used our footage without giving proper credit, so this week they said do whatever and don’t sue. Okay! But unfortunately we come to say our quest to resurrect our dear amigo has come to a dead end.

Mariachi sobs.

Si, I know. One chapter ends but another begins because we are coming for the butchers who took our amigo too soon. We do this because we know he is with us in spir--


Juicy puts on the brakes as a car speeds past them. The guys exit and find… a PLASTIC PINK SHEEP!?


Mariachi grabs the sheep and gives it a big hug.

It is a sign!

Si. Sheep send hijo. Like God send his!




We see Gloss and Spencer pull up outside the Duncan family home in the same car that just sped by. Gloss rings the doorbell and Alix opens.


The pink sheep in your nativity scene.

You mean Pinky?

I’d like to have it.

Nothing’s free in this world, sister.

Gloss stares deep into Alix’s eyes.


Still staring. Suddenly Alix shivers and laughs.

She’s yours. But you gotta teach me that trick sometime.







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***Dem Bums W/Congressman Joel Duncan Vs D*LUX W/Lorelei DeCenzo***


The world champion, our king, Landon Maddix and Queen Esther joined us for this big match up/


Tony got in the face of Tyler for some trash talk and that didn't go well. Tyler super kicked Tony and proceeded to stomp him in the corner. He did cease when the official asked which Lorelei did not like.



Being a good guy is all about making the tough choices. Like I made the tough choice to give the world title shot to Tony over Krista or Bohemoth or Teddy.



I bet that was a real tough choice.


Tyler used some amateur wrestling techniques to keep Tony grounded and frustrated which pleased Lorelei and improved her mood. Tony countered by belching and escaped to make the tag to the more knowledgeable in wrestling Vinny Valentine.



Its good to see that the healers in the duck kingdom healed the Disco Duck, the harvest has been poor in their lands and they need a funny man like this one to bring joy to the commons.



For the last dinking time its a nickname he's not a real duck.



But he is as stupid as quack!



Haha, very good, fool!



Yeah, real good, fool. Real good.


Vinny only fared a little bit better against Tyler as Tremendous showed off some areial assaults that he couldn't match. The Disco Dick tried his shining wizard signature but missed and Tyler showed him how its down with a shining enizguri! This move got a close two count. Shayne then made a semi blind tag which didn't go over well with Lorelei and even Tyler looked a bit annoyed.



What about giving some of your Good Guys a title shot, King Landon?



If they prove themselves worthy why not? But I don't play favorites.



I think Tyler would make a fantastic foe for you, my king.



We'll agree to disagree on that point. D*LUX didn't even make the Anderson Cup cut. So...


Vinny had an easier time against Shayne just as Lorelei suspected. The father and son duo worked over Showtime and Lorelei started throwing a fit on the outside.



We can at least agree Shayne won't be getting any title shot any time soon.

Tony and Vinny tried and totally fucked up a double DDT, allowing Shayne to get the tag to Tyler. While they were blaming each other Tyler entered the ring and took them both out with a cross body! Fired up he pitched Tony out of the ring and landed him in front of Lorelei DeCenzo.






My king what is wrong?


Let's go to live action!


The world champion gets a wide and sneaky smile on his face and departs the announce table quick as a hare.



Where are you going?


Meanwhile in the ring, Tyler and Vinny do battle with Vinny getting the far worst of it.



We've got a match and the world champion is sneaking around!


King Landon lifts Tony onto his shoulders, much to amazement and shock of everyone.



Hey, dick for brains, what do you think you're doing to my boy?



Oh he gonna put that fool to sleep!


Throwing Tony off his shoulders, King Landon nails him with a GO2Sleep!





My king! What have you done?!


Tony is knocked out in full view of the referee and a DQ is called!



Your winner as a result of a disqualification....DEM BUMS!



Some momentum heading into the Anderson Cup for Dem Bums :lol:


The royal world champion has secured a microphone and lords of Tony.









How would you like to be a two time 24/7 champion?







Lorelei gets into a pinning situation in a most elegant manner!



No! Damn it! No!


Left with no choice the official scores the pinfall....


















Your winner and NEW 24/7 Champion...LORELEI DECENZOOOOOO!





Two time champion! Two time champion!


A true gentlemen to the last, King Landon goes about wrapping the title around Lorelei's lovely waist.



You look gorgeous in gold, Lorelei.









Good Guys rule!


Tonight they do but only Landon and Lorelei look happy about it.



Lorelei DeCenzo and King Landon just robbed Tony Tourettes of the 24/7 title! Can he get his revenge at New Years Spectacular! But right now get the baby oil and tissue ready, its time for the Duncan family webcam show!




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Duncan Family Back Porch



Daaaaang I'm still geeked over this porch! You have a porch like this in Edmonton and all you see is some farm boys cow tipping.






Oh my Sim City, that means my bad in geek, Mellow Yellow here hooking up the technology so you can hook up with your master chief, that means your penis, while you watch the Duncan gals hook up live on Webcam!


The camera, manned by Molly, pans over to see Krista, Alix, Jade and clad in skimpy bikinis sat in front of the beautiful costal line.



The view is free, but if you wanna help charity then you can donate coins. Not Mario coins, but coins nonetheless.



Obviously, someone is missing. Where is Jade?



Zounds! Zounds!


Alix rushes off screen!



This is off to a great start.


A few seconds later and a figure in a potato sack is being shoved onto the porch by Alix.



Walk the plank ye scurvy scullion!


The sack is hauled off and we see that its of course Jade, clammed up with a ball gag, but able to grunt her rage.



Jewish Jesus, I told you no rapes!



I didn't rape anyone! Just the guy who changed the flat tire and that was more beat him down and steal his gummy bears than rape. Jade can be my first witness to the trail.



Hehehe, she can't talk. Let's make fat jokes about her.



How's that any different than when she can talk?



Good point I didn't think of that. Let's do it anyway, who wants to start?



I've been saving some comparing her to Doctor Robotnik?



Is that woman who shared the office at Madison's first practice?



That was Doctor Nosmik.



Damn it to hell, Alix.


Krista sighs and gently removes the ball gag from Jade's mouth.



I'm going to kill you all!



Whoa dial back the hate to a level appropriate for a family affair.



You tied me up and gagged me for four days! And the rest of you didn't bother to come look for me.



She told us you went camping in Michigan and your phone didn't have reception.



I was just busy sniffing your panties and using up your lip gloss. See? My lips pop!



Grrrrr! Why did you do this to me?



You didn't even tell her what's up?



Pish-posh! Sony Studios caves to terrorists, Alix Maria Spezia studios doesn't!



Duncan Family Webcam Show!



Webcam show? This is being broadcasted?



Yes and JazzyJeff4U wants to know Krista will bite Jade's nipples?



Yeah no problem.



Wait! I was tied up, bound, gagged, made to witness Alix beat up an old man and steal his wallet and then toss him in the bushes, for us to have intercourse!



Ewwww when you say it like it sounds creepy.



I can't believe this!



Sweetie, I'm sorry.



You're sorry?!



Yes and I know you're sorry too.



Why would I be sorry.



Well if you hadn't rebuffed my demure come ons we wouldn't be here right now.



Demure? You said you wanted to punish my phat ass!



That's demure for this family. So what do ya say, you're here now.



Lets take turns spanking her!



Alix didn't rape you and that counts for something.



I'll rape her!



And your sister loves you and I love you, and why do I have to keep begging you for this you've seen us all naked like a million times, we've had a threesome together, done countless other stuff while you were drunk and/or drugged, just fuck us already!



I like you to romance me first. Is that so wrong?



Lemme rape her!



Fine, we can't have a family orgy with you, you have the best butt out of all us, the sun doesn't shine as bright until your ass blesses our day, blah, blah, is that good enough.



Yes. But you have to control Maya, she tears people's clothes off with her teeth. I think she's become half wild!



I'm not wild.



Why then are you chewing my sleeve?



I dunno.



What do we do first? Let's bring out the pudding!



I love pudding!



We know. But I gave it to the staff as holiday presents, better your pudding than my money.



NotaKiller wants Krista to know he thinks her cheekbones probably taste like salt.



Where do we get these psyc...uh....thanks, honey. What do you have mind for us?



He wants you and Alix to kiss.



I like one person kissing, but two person kissing with Krista is even better!


Alix isn't one for a tease and snatches a hold of Krista, hauling her against her hot Latina body. Krista hasn't even a moment to open her mouth willingly before Alix is forcing her tongue inside. Even after all these years it takes a moment for Krista to get used to Alix's tongue swarming her mouth, licking her spit, and nearly forcing its way down her throat.




Aren't they adorable?



Yeah. Do you think we'll be like that when we're older.






You hesitated for a half a second! Hope blossoms!


Krista cups Alix's butt and boy is there a lot to cup. Never once does Krista fail to amaze at how round and juicy this Mexican booty is. Letting Alix take over the kiss with her forceful tongue fucking, Krista returns the aggression in pinching, prodding and gropping this awesome ass.



(imitating Melody)

Uh...user...IamNotMaya, asks Jade and Maya to make out!



Its like you don't even try anymore.


Maya at least tries to be somewhat romantic about all this by making a sweet grasping of her lovely sister. The youngest Duncan's sweet grey eyes of sparkling crystal and her shimmering smile are too much for Jade to just roll her eyes at. She finds Maya's look of pure adoration to be utterly adorable and lets her baby sister have her kiss.



Right next to them Alix and Krista continue to their sensual loving, making sure to grind their huge titties together, the globes waiting to bust out their skimpy bikinis. Now Alix fondles Krista's ass. The firm yet large posterior that she's drooled over for decades upon decades. It hasn't lost its luster and Krista still moans when Alix slips in and massages her crack.



Hey, let's gets these two cuties naked.



You always have the good ideas, that's why I can huff glue everyday and not feel guilty.


The elder stateswomen of the Duncan clan break off their embrace and swing over to the sister duo. The two girls are still engaged in a sloppy yet passionate kiss, the sloppy coming from Maya who is drooling and grunting inside Jade's mouth.



Maybe she is half-wild.


Even though Krista paid for the bikinis no doubt she hasn't any qualm about shredding them with great force off her daughters. Jade's purple number is pried off her sexy and curvy body yet its absence is barely noticed by the girl who's gotten wet and horny from her always lusty sister.




She's already dripping! We're gonna get like ten orgasms out her tonight.



You two kids have amazing bobbies.



We are your daughters, hehehe.


Maya trembles from the touch of her dear mother taking down her bikini. Knowing her daughter likes the rough stuff just like her, Krista isn't gentle at all but bullies Maya out her bikini.



TonyBranniganWife says her husband is a bum, she also wants Krista to grab Maya's bum and Alix to take Jade's.


Krista's fingers find their way to Maya's ass, and ass that is very much like hers. Its thick and nice in all the right spots as well as firm and toned in all the other spots. Not to mention its delightfully tanned and Krista leaves a red lip stick mark right on the bronze flesh of her right cheek. Maya so loves the feeling that she whines for more.



If I hear that ping of coins I'll bite her ass.





That was quick.


A promise made is a promise kept and Krista's perfectly white teeth sink into Maya's perfectly shaped ass. The horny mommy gnaws and tugs on her daughter's rear end causing her slight pain and incredible pleasure. Loving this she passes the good feelings onto Jade by further mashing her hot body into hers.



Hey, Krissy, did ya know there are really dudes named Aladdin? Did ya? Did ya?



Wow, I never thought I could molest a hot teenager and still feel like killing myself until you just spoke. Thanks.


There's just something about Jade's ass that Alix is overly thrilled with. Most likely that its Krista's ass meats a Holiday ham, and it is delicious. Alix doesn't go into biting this sweet butt like Krista, rather she decides on smacking it with her hands and watching how the bountiful flesh ripples and shakes from each strike. But of course Jade's not use to a rough attack on her awesome cheeks as the rest of them are. So Alix “settles” for giving a sexy jiggle.





MarvMel420nWo from Edmonton says “can we have twenty bucks for our weed money.” Hey you punks quit messing up my chat!



Alix, I think it would be sweet if you'd lick her ass.



Just like when she sleeps!


Alix's long expert tounge slides out her mouth and just its tip on Jade's bum has the Duncan daughter murmuring her glee. How Alix glides it up and down, leaving trails of spit, and making tingling sensations on Jade's ass is wonderful enough that she'd let Alix do anything she wants with her ass at this point. And there's so much Alix wants to do!



MisterWarrior1962 commands from the Mothership beyond the seventh layer of the hidden alphabet that you Duncan babes pair up.



Kay-kay. Come here with Step-mama, Jadeycakes, lets make some incest babies!



Mommy, have you heard me screaming your name when I'm in the shower? I scream it loud so you'll hear me.



To be honest I thought you were talking about Mama Bertha the fat black lady who used to cook for us when you in fifth grade. Nice to know its me!



Make my slutty dreams come true, Mommy!


Maya pushes herself forward into Krista's mouth with such a passionate intensity that Krista nearly falls over. But, she expected some aggression from her youngest and remains properly upright. Keeping balanced, Krista rolls her tongue out her mouth and penetrates Maya. She swears her daughter is orgasming already. But who can blame her being made out with their own hot mother?



Mother and daughter playing tonsil hockey! Bah gawd! Bah gawd! Get you some! Give us coins, god damn it!



Maya and Krista's lips move in a unison only two people deeply connected by lust and love can manage. They slurp and battle, each beauty melting into the others mouth and arms as they fondle and grope their hot bodies. Then their hands meet squeezing together in a beautiful joy.





Jadeycakes, I am the queen of step-daughter pussy eating!



You are? I didn't know that.



Well, right now at this time of 5:17 its more of a conceptual title. But by the time its 5:18 it'll be as real as St.Nick!


Alix doesn't actually go straight towards pussy licking, rather she plants tender kisses around Jade's neck. Not used to such play around her neck, Jade's face contorts into an expression of excited anticipation for even more naughtiness.



Go lower Alix, lick my big sister's pussy!



Again I remind you viewers these are all family members! Real relations getting it on!





Money, money, money! Cha-ching! If you ain't talking money than your talking don't matter word to Shane-O!


Alix heeds Maya's encouragement as she works those kisses down Jade's arched back. Quite smooth skin Jade has, Alix notes, especially for someone with such a crappy diet. That aside, Alix gets to her destination, the same destination she's been fantasizing about since she met Jade years ago. The Hollywood Bad Girl takes a moment to savor the smell of her step daughter's sweet cunt. But its only a moment as she then buries her face into the welcoming pussy!



There you go, Alix, eat my girl's cunt.



Hhehe, yeah, make her cum hard!



Earning that step-daughter pussy licker trophy, Alix titillates Jade by swiping up and down on her pussy, going from the top to the bottom. Working a little teasing in, Alix makes certain to only gently brush her clit. But Jade's like her mother in that only a simple stroke is enough to have her trembling. But at this stage Alix is just about teasing and building up to something big, not nailing an instant orgasm.



Unnnnh, guys I'm so wet.



You're not the only one!



I mean should I be so wet?



Don't worry, Jade, you're just making extra servings.


There's no better drink in Alix's mind than pussy juice and Jade's is a fine vintage. She greedily laps it up and gulps it down while being impressed there's no seeming end to flow of this horny nectar. Of course, Alix has been under the tuteldge of her dear mother, and Spezias know how to make boys and girls good to the last drop!



Mommy, can you eat my teenage pussy?



Oh, sweetling, I can eat your pussy till someone calls Steve Wilkos on us!


Maya leans back and with a squeal kicks her legs open.



That's a good girl, spread your gorgeous legs so mommy can pleasure you.


Krista goes right into her daughter's waiting slit, penetrating her with a powerful thrust of her tongue. Krista feels a heady intoxication like she's needed to eat Maya's pussy instead of just merely wanting to. As if she couldn't have survived further without tasting her daughter's teenage cunt.



Lick every inch of my pussy, mommy!


And the way Maya calls her mommy all through out is a a nasty delight to great to express. Maya feels that same naughty glee and reaches up to pinch her erect nipples in a way to cope with this erotic overload. Over and over again Maya thrusts her cunt into mom's face, just trying to get all of Krista's face within her pussy. An irrational thought maybe, but Maya can't control herself with this kind of pussy eating in this exact situation.




Look at that, mother and daughter working together to achieve orgasm. Reminds me of me my mom and that pool guy we had. Odd we didn't even have a pool!


Krista flicks and grinds her tongue against the shockingly tight walls of Maya's muff. Not that she minds its tight, its just she thought with the sex Maya's has it wouldn't be that way. Yet either way its the perfect pussy on the perfect teenage daughter and Kirsta picks up speed on her cunt. It isn't long before she's fully tongue fucking the babe, her tongue ramming into Maya's sex, Maya's cunt ramming into her face.



Oh, mommy, I'm used to having a nice big cock in there, but your tongue is so much better!



Maybe you can invite Bobbi over and I can watch her eat this hot pussy of yours? Huh, sweetling?



Mommy, I'd love that!


Right next to them Jade shares similar sentiments for Alix. The bigger Duncan daughter's needy walls clamp down Alix's soft intruder trying to pull it in deeper to her love hole. The message is gotten by Alix as he frantically probe's Jade's pussy now. The Latina babe makes sure to go in angles with twists and turns hitting every single one of Jade's sweet spots.



Maya, Maya, they're going down on us so good!



I know, right, and they're gonna do a lot more to us before this show is over!



I don't think I can take much more!



Don't worry, when they roll out the toys you'll want much more!


Alix is pounding on Jade's pussy, only stopping to suck and wrap her lips around the great hole, sucking down the waves of Jade's juices. The juices come flowing down and Alix has to stop to swallow all of them. But once they're in, Alix resumes fucking her phat step-daughter with her tongue. Each time she starts she goes slow, but picks it up into a furious pace until the cum flows again and the sexy cycle repeats all over.



Mmmm mmmmm please make me cum! Make your Jadeycakes cum!


Jade can feel her eyes roll into the back of her head as that soft little tongue begins to fuck her with a reckless wild speed. Jadeycakes can't believe how good and awesome Alix is at eating pussy. But she should, because Alix is almost as constantly horny as Maya! Reaching down, Jade lovingly strokes Alix's beautiful brunette hair, but that stroke becomes a tight grip thats spurred on by the next surge of pussy cream.



Oh , take a gander there's some dudes watching from a boat! Cheating the coin system!


Indeed there are “some dudes” who are doing a little more than watching from the boat.



Hi, guys!


The guys wave, just they don't use hands to do it.



Ya like the show?


Alix gets a ll affirmatives, some very enthusiastic.



Awww, don't worry keep stroking guys you'll build it back up. Keep up the good work!


Over on the otherside, Krista's baby blue eyes look up at Maya and send her youngest's heart fluttering into a sex crazed frenzy. Hearing that there's dudes behind her, Krista makes sure to give a wiggle of her firm tush.



That's it mommy, mmmmmmm, just like that. Nice tight pussy, right, mommy? Oooooooohhhhhhh mommy, look at me. Look up at me with those big baby blues while you're fucking me. Look at your your youngest daughter while you're fucking her!



Ohhhh, Alix, I'm gonna come! I'm gonna cum in your mouth! I'm really gonna cum!


The sisters' mumblings give way into mindless perhaps even hysterical screams. Their brains are fried as their terrific juices spill freely into the Duncan womens waiting mouths. Alix and Krista keep their mouthes open letting as much nectar as they can handle come down their throats.





CrazyGameHead says he wants to see the girls taste their cum.



Pretty sure we would do that for free.



No refunds!









SloppyJoe1977 wants you to use food. Lots of food!






But mom gave the help the day off. The only thing that comes prepared is booze.



Never fear, lesbians, Mighty Melody saves the day! I have prepared food knowing Sloppy Joe bought a bunch of coins.



That's very responsible of you.



Preparation is seventy percent of success.



What's the other thirty?





Melody summons n00b and the little guy comes in wheeling a tray of food behind him. He's not exactly happy that he has to drop off food and not eat it. So he leaves the food and Melody with a snarl.



I'm getting bit and pee'ed on later. :(


Maya and Jade start rummaging through the food, seeing what they can find to make this cam hotter, and probably more fattening. Krista quickly picks up a bottle of coke.



I have an idea. You two have a little Mexican holiday feast.


The sisters smile at their mother and Maya takes hold of a fried egg. She splits it over Alix's nasal, and the yoke runs down her tummy to her pretty pink cunt.



I always knew you were an egg head! HehehHAHAHAHAMWAHHAHABWAHAHAHAAHA!


Jade takes hold of a sausage and inserts the meaty food between her teeth. Lowering her head, she rubs it through the yoke on Alix, covering the meat with yellow liquid. Once she's got the meat well coated, she lifts her head and reverses it so that the yokey side is in her mouth. SNAP! Jade bites down taking that half of the sausage into her mouth.



My compliments to the chef.


Taking the remaining half of the sausage delicately into her fingers, Jade traces it back through the yoke around Alix's cunt, even into the pussy to gather up the yoke there. Alix giggles from that and watches turned on as Jade sensually feeds the sausage, egg yoke and girl cum to her hungering sister.



Us midwestern girls always share with our family.



Someone's getting into this!


Krista lets out a loud squeal of devilish pleasure as she penetrates her ASS with a soda bottle.






You've got a coke bottle in your asshole! Awesome!



Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck...


The full top of the bottle enters that MILF ass thanks to a hard shove by Krista, and shoots deep inside her bowels.



Wooooo! Ladies, I've got a soda bottle up my ass!



Those men in the boat will sink their craft if they keep ejaculating.





Sure there's a little pain for Krista, but nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing Krista can't handle. Actually the pain is so easily tolerated that Krista establishes a fast and brutal rhythm for herself. At first this rough pounding makes Krista grit her teeth, yet she's moaning and grunting like a farm animal as her slutty ass is fucked by her soda bottle. Soon all Krista can feel is wild pleasure at her own rough sodmization with a soda bottle of all things!



I can't wait to suck your ass off that soda bottle, mommy!



Save some of her butt for me, Maya!



Share and share alike, girls, there's plenty of mommy ass for the both of you.



TBTheBody says he wants Jade to eat the food off Alix and Maya and do it quickly before his wife gets home!



And you at home, order up a creamy serving of cock-dressing to cover this Hottie sandwhich.


Maya allows herself to be the bottom, letting the senior Alix bend over atop her....




The yoke drips down from Alix's cunt landing in soft splats on Maya's waiting body. Jade is right there, her tongue, lovingly, teasingly, pulling apart the yoke from her hot family members' flesh. Jade gets to Maya's pussy and without a moment of hesitation plunges her tongue into her sister's fantastic pussy.



Ohhhhhhh myyyyyy goooodddddd, she's such an eager rug muncher, mommy!



You have eaten pussy before haven't you, Jade?.



No, I swear. But...I sometimes sneak and watch you and Alix. Sorry!



Don't be sorry, sweetie, I watch you and Tyler all the time. I don't get why call him Bangor the Conquer but just keep up the good work with these two.


Happily doing as she's told, Jade swishes her tongue round and round Alix's hole, not just getting egg yoke but getting a helping of pussy juice as well. Alix's back arches and she straightens up right when Jade hits her sweetest spot.



Ohhh Jadey, Jadey! How's that for Midwestern kindness!


Jade takes the beans next and makes a dribbling of them over the tits of her step-mom and sister.



Mmmmmmm beans.


Little Miss California hovers over her lovers with the beans resting on their nice jugs. Jade snaps one up off Maya, making certain to give a brush on her right nipple. Alix gets even better treatment, as Jade sucks on her left tit, inhaling her nipple as well as the sauce all over her breasts.



You two look even better with food on you. But what about food in you? Mmmmm cucumbers.



All that food. Who's thirsty?


The other three turn to see Krista with coke bottle in pussy, filling it up with her delicious juices...





Holy shitballs! I want it!



You can't have it, I want mother's pussy juice.



I called it first!






Quiet both of you. The way you're acting only Alix will get any.



Whoo-ha! In your face, brats!



Now only Melody should get some. Alix, you're the oldest, though least mature, so....


Krista tips the bottle back to Alix, letting just enough get through her pretty pink lips. Alix makes sure not to let a drop spill and swallows all the diet pussy juice.



Jade, you're next.



See, Maya-



No gloating.


Not wanting to get denied her mother's pussy cream, Jade just opens her mouth and lets mother dearest pour in the hot liquid. Such a great taste, who knew pussy and coke was a great mix!



You're giving it all to her! No fair!


Krista grumbles about Maya's whining and complaining but is still nice enough to let her have what's left of the coke and pussy mixture.



Hehhe, you should bottle and sell it!



BeerGalDyke wants a mother and daughter kiss.


Maya starts squirming around in anticipation of a liplock.



Look at that, Krissy, she's squirming to get a hold of those extra magical kissable lips of yours.



She's acting up! I want to kiss you to, mother. I have bigger lips also!



Kiss me, mommy, I really love you.



No, kiss me, I love you more times infinity!



Now girls we can all kiss each other.



Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!


Krista envelopes Maya into her arms and kisses her in a way that's not at all mom-like. Their pretty lips crush together, moving together as they open and close their mouthes. The two of them slurping the air out of each other as their hands join with Jade in massaging their nude bodies.



This is too hot to trot, but not too hot to masturbate! Donate if you hear me!




Just cause she can Alix gives a little more to the dude's in the boat...




Krista feels Maya's pert nipples piercing into her like twin knives and she knows her nips are doing the same to her. Not leaving Jade out, the matriarch of this household reaches down and fondles her eldest daughter's big bare butt, sliding her fingers through the outer edges of her ass crack.



Oh yes, mother, play with my ass crack!


Alix's hand rubs her twat in tight hard circles, as turned on as anyone by this hot milf-daughters make out session. The knowledge that her wife is watching makes Krista kiss Maya harder and fondle Jade with much more force. Both her daughters are in heaven with their mom taking forceful control of them.



Jade's turn now.


Maya breaks away from Krista for the moment and turns a slick smile to her sister.



You wanna kiss our hot mommy now?



Oh heck yes.


Krista pulls her other daughter in close, letting the girls tounge fall into her mouth. Jade's an eager kisser, Krista thinks as she moves her hands to the small of the voluptuous girl's back. Jade responds with enthusiastic mouth movements, her tongue darting round to explore Krista's mouth. What she lacks in skill, she is definitely making up for in effort.



Best. Holiday. Eveaaaaaaarrrr!



Let's all three of kiss, lets give them a real show.



Yeah, three hot Duncan sluts all making out!


I don't consider myself a slut.



When do you lose your virginity?



That's....irrelevant! Just lets kiss!


The daughters allow their mother to dictate the pace and it is a fast and horny one. Krista hungering to devour her daughters mouth and feel their wetness against them.




The hot bodies of the Duncan girls sway together as their lips touch and move, each girl taking turns licking and sucking down their other family members. They all get hotter and even hornier, with Alix getting assists here and there by jiggling their gorgeous asses.



Coach Alix Madden of the Los Angeles Gayders is calling an audible!


The Hollywood Bad Girl dips out of picture for a moment and returns with a double deckered strapped on!



What the heck is that.



Its your mom's final Hannukah gift. Jesus died for this!



That makes no sense. But I want mom to fuck me!



Oh me too, do me too mother.



Fuck us both, mother.



(strapping on strap on)

What did I do to deserve such wonderful daughters? If I hear the ping, my pretty girls are getting these big mommy cocks rammed in them until sunset.





There we go.



Can you try anal on me, mother? You're the only one I trust to do it. :)



Ca...ca...ca..can...I...try...anal...on....you. Compose yourself Krista. Compose yourself. Yes, sweetie I'd be happy to try anal on you while I hammer your sister's perfect pussy.


The Duncan sisters lay atop each other with Maya on the bottom and Jade on top. Maya has no complaints about the weight, she rather likes having the girth of her sister on top of her, her chubby tits melting into her bulbous ones and her gorgeous face staring right at her. And there's certainly no qualms when her mom shoves the strap on in her pussy.



Oooh! That's big!



I thought you liked the big ones.



I do, I do! Your turn next, Jade.



I'm kinda nervous.



You'll love it.


Alix supplies the lube to Jade's ass, giving her a healthy amount to make things go as smooth as possible. Mother dearest goes nice and slow for her anxious daughter, wanting her anal invasion to be as smooth as possible. And the nice side effect is she can watch her strap on slowly get into the fat ass of her eldest girl.



God, it feels so freaking big!



Yes it does, sweetling, don't worry, mommy's gonna take you to anal heaven, just though this first part out. You can do it.


Krista gives Jade plenty of time to accept and relax her rectum to take in this bulbous beast.



You're much more gentle than Holly.



Ha to ha to heh-heh, two elephants fucking are more gentle than Holly!


Finally Krista succeeds in her mission; her cock is stuffed in Jade's ass, her thighs against those meaty cheeks and bellow that her other cock is crammed inside her half-wild little girl.



Ahh yes. Every inch of my girl cock is crammed inside your big fat ass, Jade. Good job, sweetie!



Thank you, mother. That wasn't so bad.



And every inch of my bottom girl cock is crammed inside your slutty pussy, Maya. I'm sure your used to that sort of thing.



Yes I am, mommy.



Such polite girls. How do you want me to fuck you?



Fuck us however you want, mother.



Go to town on 'em! Ravage! Plunder! Pillage! Terroize! Decorate! No that lasn't didn't fit. Fuck. Cut, cut.



We're live.


Not quite going to town at first, the mother pulls forward and back in a nice steady rhythm. The cocks go in and out of her daughters horny holes, Maya's pussy making a squishing sound and Jade's ass making a popping sound. Krista continues to stare at the beautiful sight of her daughter's asshole stretching for her cock.



This is a great gift. Much better than that squirrel you gave me last year.



It gave Terry, rabies. :(


Jade thinks about how great it is to have a cock in her asshole, her first since AngleMania. Maybe its because its her mother doing it, but this is a joy she wasn't expecting especially after Alix stuffed her in a potato sack . Much to her shock her rectum relaxes even quicker than she expected. She looks down on Maya and smiles her at her adorable babysister, who smiles back in between a grunts and snorts and oinks of pleasure.



Are you certain you're not half-wild?



Oink, **snort**, oink, grrrrrn, oink!



Do you girls want to cum with mommy's girl cocks in your fuck holes? Maya try to answer in something besides grunts and pig noises.



Yes, mother.



Then say it. One by one.



Please let me cum with your big fat dick in my slut hole, mommy. I can't think of anything better than my mommy fucking my brains out like the teenage slut I am, all while she's drilling my sister's ass at the same time! Pretty please lemme cum!



I want to cum like a bitch with a dick in my ass! There! I need to cum like a bitch with a dick in her ass! Please let me cum like a bitch with your dick in my ass! Please mother, please let me cum!



You're not gonna let 'em cum now are you? That's no fun.



Of course not.


Krista yanks her strap on directly out of both girl's holes.






Alix, help me quiet these brats.



Thinking, thinking. Ohhhh heyyy, come here brunette step-daughter, I have a va-jay-jay that can't get enough teenage tongues.


Alix doesn't actually wait for Maya to come anywhere, instead she just bends Maya's head back and forces her cunt onto her face.



Those men on the boat stay hard nonstop. Its almost inhuman. I should do a documentary on them. But I believe I need to pay my government loans back.





Now that's ingenius, Alix, honey, throat fuck, my little sweetling.



Of course, said the horse!


Maya keeps herself in bending position with tongue ready to feast on Alix's Latina pussy. And Alix is more than ready to provide that south of the border sweetness as she rocks back and forth on Maya's face. The juices come freely oozing onto Maya, dribbling around her mouth and all the way down to her cheeks. It looks like she's crying in reverse and she thinks of crying tears of joy, Alix's cunt taste so good.



Ohhhh haiiiiiii, I see a figure outside! It must be Barbra Walters!



She gets like that, when she's close to orgasm.


Close to orgasm? Maya observes. She puts a plan in motion, bending back to normal, which causes a pout from Alix. But as quick as Alix can whine, Maya replaces her tongue with four fingers, sunk knuckle deep into her love grotto!



(ignore the third girl!)



Oh baby, baby, baby, push it real good!


Maya does indeed push it real good, gritting her teeth and shoving her fingers so amazingly deep inside Alix's sex.



Oh praise be! Oh glory be!


Alix buckles against Maya's touch, which only leads to Maya steeling herself and fucking her faster. Its almost a supernatural blur as Maya's fingers ravage Alix's insides to the point where Alix is blubbering crazier shit than usual!



I can feel you in my stomach! I think that's my stomach! Holy fuck, you're fingering me into a new time zone I think! Its already 2015 where you're fingering me!


Maya reaches around with her other hand and stashes three of those fingers inside Alix's asshole! Without so much as lubricant, Alix lets out a cry of pain. But Maya doesn't top and furiously D&Ps Alix almost as if she were punishing her for some slight. But both Duncan's know this is pure pleasure and not punishment in the least.



So deep in my hot Mexican anus! Viva la raza! Viva la Alix's rectum!


Maya just violates Alix's holes, pounding them enough that her own fingers are starting to get sore. Somehow that doesn't stop her, the feeling of Alix's pussy on one hand and rectum on the other is one she can't let go of. And Alix's screams and ever impending orgasm is exactly what she needs.



Orgasm a go-go!


Not lying Alix cums hard, expelling enough juices to push Maya's fingers out her pussy. Still, Maya fucks her anus, having basically attached her digits to the inside of Alix's asshole.






No, I'm the boss now. Jade, sweetie, I want you to suck your slutty ass off my dick. Do you like the sound of that?


Wow! Even Holly didn't ask her to that. But the way her mother strokes her blond hair is incentive enough to do as she's told. Jade opens her mouth wide and takes in the first few inches of the top strap on, the bottom cock banging against her neck.



Hey, Jade, tell me how your ass tastes?



Pretty good!


Jade sucks greedily on the head of the cock, while her mother grabs onto her hair and offers some encouraging words only a mom like Krista can give.



Very nice, sweetie. You suck it like the greedy little ass to mouth slut that us Duncan girls are. Good job! Gobble up that cock, mmmmmmm isn't it nice? Gobble, gobble, sweetie!


Jade nods, bouncing the cock in her mouth.



Gobble up that ass juice, sweetie mmmmm, mmmmmm, mmmmmm. There's a good girl. Gobble up your nasty anal cream that is covering my beautiful dick you beautiful cock sucker.


Krista's special brand of paternal support gets Jade even hornier and she sucks the dick more passionately than before. She lowers her lips further and further down the cock until the shaft is in her throat. She relaxes her throat so she can impress her mom and stuff every single inch of the fake fuckmeat down her gullet. Jade chokes and gags as she deep throats the entire strap on, then starts bobbing her head up and down. Ever loving her fans, Krista blows a kiss to the spectating boat.



Such a good girl! Such a good girl!


The moment she opened her mouth again Krista forms a tight grip on Jade's head with both hands and starts pushing her downwards while thrusting her hips forward. She repeats this motion gently at first, then with increasing roughness until she's pounding her eldet's throat with the same brutal force she had just used to butt fuck her. Naturally this causes Jade to violently choke, gag and almost open her mouth, but she doesn't have the desire to push her mother away so she happily lets her use her mouth like a loose whore's cunt or ass hole.



Thank you, mother, you're so good to me. It really helps when you talk to me.



You're welcome, beautiful girl. How about you two lovely kids get back into position.


The sisters again squeal to one another and reassume their famillar positions, Jade on top, Maya on bottom. The bottom cock goes in all the way through Maya's spasming cunt, washed with its cream. The top one is easily swallowed by Jade's well fucked ass and the Duncan mother-daughters team is off to the races.



Round two! Fight! Street Fighter guys.




Her daughters bounce themselves against the cocks, like the good girls she knows them to be, increasing both their pleasure and Krista's. Miss California licks her lips, hearing Maya's pussy squish on the cock, and seeing Jade's asshole sliding up and down the cock like a whore giving a blowjob.



I enjoy watching those fat cheeks jiggle, Jade.



I enjoy you fucking me, mother.



Do you enjoy fucking my pussy, mommy?



Oh, sweetling, of course I do.


Jade moans enthusiastically, working to be the butt whore her mom wants her to be. She shakes her rump on the cock, making those cheeks jiggle like a big bowl of jelly for mom's hungry eyes. Beneath her Maya is shouting and yelling, her mom somehow able to please her fuckhole as much as Jade's asshole.



Well now I see I'm not too late.


Krista looks up and sees none other than




GENEVIEVE DUNCAN, bare ass naked with a gigantic strap on cinched around her waist!



It wasn't Barbra Walters! It was you!






Mother?! Wha...wha...what do you want? You can't be here this is my-



Be quiet.



You tell her!



Shut up, you Mexican idiot. I got the distinct feeling when I heard about your soiree through the grapevine, you'd attempt dominance over your daughters because that's your natural personality. Always forgetting the simple truth.



What simple truth?


At this point, Krista is so annoyed she exits her daughters, leaving them to whine about their mom's absence.



You were mine before they were yours. Its well and good to play queen with naieve children but I believe its time you pay your due respect to moi.


Krista sighs, blushes, grumbles, but does finally bend over. Bend over to Genevieve's derison.



I'm not in the mood for doing any work right now. You should know that/


Genevieve lies back, with her huge strap on pointing high to ceiling like a plastic vieny effile tower. Krista is unable to stop herself from letting out a really pathetic sounding whimper, spreading her ass cheeks and slowly lowering herself down. Almost immediately she feels a little bit of retroactive respect for all the women she had forced to do this because even with her mom holding the dildo firmly upright by the base, like Krista herself had done many times when she was in her proper position, it isn't easy to guide her ass hole to the fake cock.



You're getting slow as you age I notice.


She misses more than once and even when she connects she feels that unforgiving man-made meat against the entrance to her forbidden passage. It takes a lot for Krista to summon the courage to lower herself further. When she finally does it Krista grits her teeth and closes her eyes to stop from whimpering again as she feels her ass hole stretching for Genevieve's cock, little by little that anal ring opening up until the head slides back into her bottom.



I do have to say for your age your butt is very nice. This is a splendid view. And I see you were giving free entertainment to the locals. You always were the generous sort.


The immediate pain due to her mother not letting her use any lube causes a sharp pain that she vocalizes in a child like cry. Its a little humliating, Krista who was dominating her daughters now spreading her ass cheeks and squatting over her strap on wearing mom, the alpha-female of the OAOAST penetrating her own butt hole on her mother's dick.



Well then. I'm surprised you gave in so easily. I expected more resistance. I'm disappointed in you I have to admit.






I could settle into watching you squatting over this dick all night long, your ass hole stretching for my dick like a common whore. But alas I don't think that would be much fun for you. So why don't you get the rest of my big cock up that big muscular ass of yours? Tut-tut.



Yes, mother.


Inch by inch she takes the other woman's cock up her ass until finally there was no more to take. And then, when Krista's butt cheeks come to rest against Genevieve's lap, announcing the blonde had taken every inch of that monster dildo into her butt, the mighty Krista whimpers like a little bitch!



Young ladies, isn't there something you two should be doing with that Mexican tart?



Um, we don't know, mom was kind of guiding us until you came along.



For pete's sake, your Duncans, sex is our art! Figure something out!



Oh I know! Alix are you ready to lose your double anal cherry!



I'm ready to lose it for the first time since I was at my mom's brothel in August! Let's get nasty.



We love you, Alix!


Maya gets on a strap on quicker so Jade takes the time to get Alix ready for the anal fucking. She gets her tongue literally all the way up Alix's hot ass, getting a healthy helping of Alix's rectum. Once inside Jade swirls her tongue around inside Alix's bowels, moving in it up and down, side to side, clockwise and anticlockwise, anything to prepare the step mom she loves for what's to come.



Alix, can I lick and suck your booty whenever I want please?



You can even lace it with yummy whip cream if you'll forgive me for the kidnapping thingie dingine.



Wow, what a deal!



Girls, get on with it, your mother and I aren't getting any younger.






Oreos and Terry in the basement right now aren't the only thing getting double stuffed! I'm the biggest double anal ho you know! Rhyming sex! Yes!


Hearing enough, Maya pushes forward penetrating her step mom's ass in a sharp thrust which makes Alix cry out mostly in pain. Of course the following cries are mostly ones of pleasure as Maya stuffs her ass with inch after inch of unyielding strap on cock. Alix may boast but Maya has to be serious, concentrating on getting Alix ready for the real pounding. That means inevitable pain, by making Alix's ass stretch quickly and painfully now so hopefully it will make things easier later.



Maya, ya gotta pound my dyke ass hole hard and deep, oooooooh fuck, stretch me out so I can take both you and Jadeycakes in my big booty! Don't be gentle! Its war! War on my asshole!



You got it, Step-mommy!


Slowly the pain fades away into uncomfortableness and then into mild pleasure before finally overwhelming ecstasy, Maya once again showing off what a skilled ass fucker she was by quickly and effortlessly loosening her step mom's rectum to the point where Alix is moaning in pure joy with every thrust.



You're not gonna make her any looser, Maya.



Someone's jelly.



I'm being ass fucked also!



Are you? Seems to me your just sitting like a lazy immigrant. I thought you loved sex, well then show your mother how much you love anal sex with her. Tut-tut, my pretty whore.


When she first lifts herself up Krista lets out the cutest little sigh of relief as part of her rectum is freed from the dildo stretching it open and thus allowed to relax. This is followed by an incoherent sound Genevieve can't quite describe escaping the her daughter lips as Krista fully impales her big butt on that cock again, the sound being repeated for the first half a dozen thrusts. After that Miss California starts making some very clear sounds of pleasure, despite the fact that she is desperately trying to hide them. Then finally the woman who had forgotten just who she belongs to gives up trying to hide it and her cries, whimpers, squeals, groans, and moans begin to reach all the way down to the watchers in the boat.



What a delightful soundtrack you provide, Krista. Grunts and groans. Your sister is off classier stuff.






Again very nice, growl like the animal you wish to be fucked like.


Inch after inch slowly disappears into that thick ass until Krista's stretched wide butt hole startes sliding up and down the toy cock like a professional whore's mouth hungry for a load of cum. Sadly Genevieve lacks sperm to fill her daughter's butt with, but honestly her cock seems to be doing just fine, the fact that her eldest child was spreading her cheeks the entire time to give Genevieve a better view of her brutalised back hole only making this moment more perfect.



Honestly, Krista, you fuck better than one of your father's whores!



Really? You think so? What do you like about the way I fuck?



Take the compliment, dear, don't push me for more.



Ok Maya make room for me. It's time to give Alix's butt a serious stretching!


As the others cheer her on, Jade presses the dildo against Alix's already full butt hole, and when finally the ring of flesh stretches wide enough for the head of the strap on to fit through Alix's butt, Jade lets out a scream of triumph.



We did it! We really did it!



Yay, teamwork!, Thanks for doing this for us Alix!



What else would you do to a step-mom with a big ass? Seems pretty obvi to me!


Sure enough the pain fades away and is replaced by that weird feeling of being stretched back there which Alix has grown to crave over the years, the feeling so much more intense now she's being stretched so obscenely. Of course it isn't long before Jade is sliding yet more strap on into Alix's hole. Its a wholly weird sensation as she feel's Jade's cock sliding against Maya's inside her rectum. Once every inch is inside the double fucking begins in earnest.



Oh wow, Alix, you're awesome! Mom your so lucky to have a wife who's so slutty she'll take two cocks up her ass!



I know I'm pretty much like hall of fame status of superwhores. And I can cook!



God mode whoring!



Its the perfect booty for this! Its so hot and so fuckable!



I hope I can be as slutty as you when I get your age, Alix.



You're well on your way there!





Overcome by all the dirty talk and anal abuse Alix cums, her cream squirting violently from her cunt as her step daughters continue pounding her big Mexican butt. It isn't easy, Maya and Jade having to hold Alix in place best they could while their 'victim' becomes like a Bucking Bronco at the force of her orgasm. But the sisters hold on. They even cum several times themselves, the simulators on their clits and the sheer pleasure of butt fucking their own step mom helping them achieve almost as much bliss as Alix is receiving.



Krista, hon, would you like to cum like everyone else?



Yes, damn it, yes! Please let me cum with your dick in my ass! Please, mommy, don't make me not cum! That's too mean! I can still fuck your cock after I cum, mommy, I swear.



Well of course you will if I want you to, love.



But, I mean, I really understand my place now so let me cum just once, please!



And what is your place, Krista?



To ride your dick with the slutty little asshole you own, mother! Whenever you want! I swear! I swear!



Its important to me that you're happy. So do you like having your mother fuck your ass?



Oh, mommy, yes, yes! You know I do, why do I have to say it?! I love you fucking my ass, I love you treating me like the whore I am! I love stretching my asshole for your amusement! Happy now? Can I please cum?



First entertain me some more with that big fat ass of yours. Mmmmmm, entertain me by shaking that big booty. Mmmmmmm, yes. I know, give me, your doting mother, a nice little booty shake like you do. Take your hands off your fat ass and shake it for me. I've wanted that for a long time, dear. Shake your big booty for your beloved mother like a good fat assed whore.


Shaking her booty around like this kind of hurst at first, the dildo rattling around inside her bowels and stretching her anal walls even wider than before. But after an embarrassingly short time it begins to feel good and the mighty Miss California finds herself moaning in pleasure again. . Her joy continues when she properly restarts the sodomy, Krista grabbing onto her knees and lifting herself up until two thirds of the dildo was out of her ass and then she slams herself back down. She then repeated the process over and over again until she was pounding her own ass hole on that fake cock as hard as she could.






What have I told you about that word?



Uh, Genevieve, you really should let her cum now.



Yeah, she'll make all kinds of promises and threats and crazy things if you don't.



Her cranky meter is cranked to max levels.



Very well. Krista, you may cum.


Letting out some kind of sound of gratitude, Krista honestly wasn't sure what, the blonde reaches behind her, grabs onto the sheets while resting some of her weight on her elbows and lower arm. She then gets off her knees and lifted herself up onto her legs for the leverage she needed. Then, oh then, she begin hammerings her ass hole with every ounce of her strength, screaming hysterically and cumming ridiculously hard. Her juices literally squirt out of her cunt and her body shake but Krissy is ravenous for more so she pushes herself on until she was gasping for breath and drenched in sweat. Even then it felt like an hour before she collapsed onto her mom's body, Beth still twitching from the force of her orgasms.



I believe the men in the boat have masturbated into heart attacks.



Aye Carumba~! This has been more lucrative then gold farming in League of Legends! Super pervs, if you want to see-



Who said I was done?





Genevieve flips them so the younger blonde was lying on her stomach with the older gal on top of her, their two bodies still connected by the massive dildo between them. Then Genevieve grabs onto the bed sheets, lifts herself up onto her tiptoes, and starts doing push-ups into Krista's butt, her daughter whimpering pathetically as her poor ass hole continues to be abused.



Grandma's really giving it to her. Maybe we should help mom?



Nah, I'm gonna enjoy this!



Me too!



…..Me three!


It may seem cruel but Genevieve knows her daughter and what she likes and soon enough Krista is back to letting out her slutty moans. She even pushes back against her mom's invading anal thrusts and begs for more.



Oh God mom, aaaaahhhhhh shitttt, fuck me! Fuck my ass! Fuck my ass like all those tennis coaches and pool boys and painting teachers fuck your pussy! Oh my God, it feels so good, mmmmmmm, your dick feels soooooooo gooooooddddddd in my ass, just like I bet my piano teacher's used to feel in your pussy, ohhhh fuck me!



Stunning revelations make take this extra hot.



I'll say. So the chain of dominance goes Grandma, Krista, Alix, me, Maya?



Why do I have to be last?



You throw yourself on the ground and cry if we don't hug you. That's why.



Tell me daughter of mine where do you most like to have a good cock?



I love having dicks in my ass, mother! Honest!



Will just any cock do?



Well, I am a Duncan with a Duncan's ass...



Quite the whore I've raised, but now I no longer feel special. I could be anyone with a real or fake cock and you'd still beg to orgasm. Disappointing.



No, mommy! Your dick is the bestest! Punish your slutty daughter, punish her asshole, mommy! Make me a good mommy's girl!

Only too happy to oblige Genvieve uses every ounce of her strength to drill her girl's butt hole, Krista's moans for more quickly becoming incoherent squeals of pleasure as she slams the mighty Hottie tightest hole. Although right now itss more of a snug fit for Genie's strap-on dick, the older woman hammering that long thick piece of rubber in and out of Krista back hole until she had the former champion cumming against the sheets, the younger woman grinding her cream leaking cunt against the bed and shamelessly pumping her ass back against Genevieve's rectum wrecking thrusts.



Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy, shit, shit,shit, mommy! I'm gonna cum for you like Maya and Jade did for me!


It takes all Genevieve has to hang on to the wildly orgasming Krista, but its totally worth it for how powerful it felt to sodomise her daughter this way. It somehow fells more primal and dominant than simply having Krista ride her, Genevieve enhancing those primal and dominant feelings by grabbing onto Krista'ss hands, which were frantically grabbing the bed sheets, and sinking her teeth into the blonde's upper back and neck, although its a strain for her to reach the latter.





Unfortunately this cause Krista to cum extra hard, one particularly violent orgasm knocking Genevieve off completely.



Holy shitballs!


Genevieve coddles her eldest daughter in her arms, with Krista sweating buckets, panting and just generally exhausted. The true matriarch of the Duncan family strokes her exhausted daughter's hair, pets her and strokes her cheek as she turns to the others.



Well done all of you. Even the Mexican.






Who wants pizza? On me!






On your grandfather's debit card I should specifiy.





Genevieve gives her daughter a peck on the cheek and we...



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