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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

World Championship Wrestling - 5/25/02

Chanel #99

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(Crowd is cheering)

JR: "Hello everybody -- and welcome to World Championship Wrestling!"

*Camera goes to JR & Tony "The Body" at ringside.*

JR: "Hi, again, everybody. I'm Jim Ross, along side, Tony "The Body."

Tony "The Body": "The OAOAST keeps growing, Jim Ross. We're going to have some great stuff happen here on World Championship Wrestling. I'm excited! Let's get things started! We go to the ring, and Lillian Garica."

Lillian: "The following contest on the debut show of World Championship Wrestling (Crowd cheers) is scheduled for one fall.

Introducing first, from Parts Unknown -- weighing 240 pounds, accompanied to the ring by Derek The Fish -- The Masked Mystery Eskimo!"

"Ice Ice Baby" his, and The Masked Mystery Eskimo sleds out down the ramp.

JR: "Here comes The Masked Mystery Eskimo. He hasn't been here that long, but he's making a name for himself."

Tony "The Body": "Eskimo is catching alot of fans eyes with the way he comes to the ring. He comes to the ring with a FISH, Jim Ross. I've never seen that before."

JR: "Yes, that is different to see. Let's go back to Lillian."

Lillian: "Already in the ring, former WCW World Champion -- David Arquette!" (Crowd boos)

Tony "The Body": "We have a former World Champion wrestling here, Ross."

JR: "Yeah, and isn't that sad."

Tony "The Body": "He looks nervous. He must be in awe of seeing "The Body", live."

JR: "From what I understand fans, Arquette actually asked to be involved in a match."

Tony "The Body": "He must want to get an ass-kicking. Or he may want to play with Eskimo's fish."

JR: "I'm not even going to go there." David's wife, Courtney Cox Arquette is sitting at ringside."

*Camera shows Courtney watching on.*

Tony "The Body": "She must be here checking me out. She could use a real man."

JR: "Thanks alot, Tony."

Tony "The Body": "I wasn't talking about you! I was talking about ME!"

JR: "I'm not surprised, you're talking about youself. That's all you do."

The Eskimo puts Derek in the corner of the ring, and Arquette jumps him from behind, throwing wild punches, most of which miss, and one even hits Arquette himself. The MME turns around and clotheslines Arquette to the mat to a roar of approval from the crowd.

Tony "The Body": "The people are cheering Arquette's beating."

JR: "Alot of people must be enjoying this."

Tony "The Body": "Like who?"

JR: "I rather not answer that."

Tony "The Body": "WHY NOT?!"

JR: "I don't want to. Let's pay attention to the match."

Tony "The Body": "Oh, I get it now. You're friends with him, and you can't belive you hang out with a REAL Hollywood star like me."

The MME mocks Arquette as Courtney Cox looks concerned at ringside, before picking him up and giving him a viscious belly to back suplex, followed by his trademark Blizzard Bomb. This one's over. MME makes the cover, 1...2...no! The MME picks him up! As MME poses to the crowd, Arquette hits a low blow. The Eskimo falls to the ground and Arquette tries to stomp a mudhole, but the MME is back up and PenguinKicks Arquette across the ring, racing after him and slapping on the FrostBite FaceLock. Arquette taps in seconds.


JR: "That's it. It's over. Let's hear the official announcement."

Lillian: "The winner of the match, by submission in 1 minute 58 seconds -- The Masked Mystery Eskimo!"

After the bell the Eskimo keeps the FrostBite on Arquette until he passes out.

Tony "The Body": "Eskimo must want Arquette to remember him."

Courtney Cox runs into the ring, tending to her weasel faced husband. Eskimo offers her a fish, which Cox slaps to the mat. Eskimo laughs, and sleds out to the crowds applause.

JR: "Eskimo offered David's wife a fish."

Tony "The Body": "She probably hasn't seen much meat before, Ross."

JR: (Laughs) "Fans, we're back after this quick time out with The Superstar."

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"The Superstar" James Allan vs. Doodles McChester

*"Superstar" by Saliva hits, and the crowd boos because they hate that song, yo.*

Lillian: "Coming down the aisle, from Naples Florida, representing the In Crowd, weighing in at 232 pounds, THE SUPERSTAR, JAMES ALLAN!

Already in the ring, from Pensacola Florida weighing in at 201 pounds, DOODLES MCCHESTER!"

JR: "Welcome back, fans. The Superstar is heading to the ring for his match."

Tony "The Body": "This is going to be interesting to see. The Superstar is also somewhat of a newcomer to the OAOAST. People don't know him to well."

JR: "Well, he has a chance tonight to make himself know."

*Superstar enters the ring, climbs on the second rope, and gives the international sign for "Fuck you" to the fans.*

JR: "That wasn't nice, Tony."

Tony "The Body": "I told you before, Jim Ross -- these guys aren't out here to win the sportsmanship award."

The bell rings and this match is on. Allan wants a test of strength, but goes low on McChester. He hits a brainbuster for a two count. Snap suplex sets up a FU elbow, which again gets two.

JR: "Superstar is really going full speed tonight."

Tony "The Body": "You have too go full speed, Ross. With the talent in the OAOAST -- you gotta do something that gets the attention of the Board of Directors, so you can move up the ranks."

Bodyslam followed by the IMMORTAL LEGDROP only gets two, surprisingly. Superstar with punches in the corner, followed by chops, followed by a cross corner whip. Stinger Splash, and a bulldog gets two. He helps McChester up, and BAM! Ghetto Blaster takes Doodles down. He taunts the fans with the In Crowd sign, which allows Doodles to roll him up for a two count.

JR: "Oh, Doodles with a school boy. 1-2...Superstar kicks out at 2 1/2."

Tony "The Body": "In the OAOAST, you always have to be aware. It only takes 3 seconds to get pinned."

Superstar is NOW PISSED, so he LARIATS Doodles' head off. Sets him up on the turnbuckle, and hits a belly-to-back superplex. He picks him up...STAR POWER DRIVER!

JR: "Star Power Driver!"

Tony "The Body": "That's his move, Ross. It's over."

Doodles is dead. Poor Doodles. The count is academic. 1, 2...Superstar picks him up at 2.

JR: "What's the point of that? Just put the poor guy out of his pain."

Tony "The Body": "It's clear to me -- Superstar is making everybody in the OAOAST know he's for real."

ANOTHER Star Power, followed by the SUPERSPLASH gets the three count.

JR: "He hits another Star Power Driver."

Tony "The Body": "He even delivered the Supersplash."


Lillian: "The winner of the match in 2 minutes 56 seconds -- The Superstar James Allan!"

JR: "Stay tuned, fans. Tag team action is next with the aWo!"


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JR: "Fans, we're back with some great tag team action. We're going back up to the ring with Lillian Garcia."

CobainWasMurdered and Some Guy VS. Dwayne Gill and Paul Roma

Lillian: "Already in the ring, Dwanyne Gill & Paul Roma." (Crowd boos)

DA aWo PORNO MUSIC CUES UP~! And CWM and SG dance down to the ring (well SG dances, CWM tries to dance)

Lillian: "Their opponents, representing the aWo -- CobainWasMurdered & Some Guy!" (Crowd cheers)

Dwayne Gill starts out with SG, SG unleashes on Gill with a variety of Some Kicks and Some Chops before hitting the ROLLING WHEELBARROW SUPLEXS.

JR: "Some Guy hit the ROLLING WHEELBARROW SUPLEXS! The fans love that great move, Tony.

Tony "The Body": "They may love the move, but "The Body" could do it better."

He tags in CWM who tosses Dwayne Gill into Paul Roma and than pulls Paul Roma in, over the ropes and STOMPS A MUDHOLE in him. CWM picks up Roma and gives him a Cradle Piledriver.

JR: "The aWo are really working over Gill & Roma."

Tony "The Body": "You know something, Jim Ross? Roma & Gill have been out of action for sometime. They could have ring rust..."

JR: "Are you taking away this beating they're receiving from the aWo?"

Tony "The Body": "Not at all. The aWo came to fight. I was just saying maybe Roma & Gill weren't ready for this."

CWM puts Roma up on his shoulders and SG comes off the top with a SOMESDAY DEVICE~! (Crowd pops)

Tony "The Body": "The aWo hit a high-impact move, Ross. Will they go for the pin?

JR: "Roma rolls to the outside. Gill is coming into the ring."

Roma falls out to the floor. Dwayne Gill foolishly runs into the ring and attempts to SPEAR CWM, but CWM moves out of the way and Gill runs right into the turnbuckle. CWM picks Dwayne Gill up for a REVERSE 3D (neckbreaker instead of stunner) 1...2...3!! (Pop)


JR: "What a showing by the aWo, Tony."

Tony "The Body": "They want the Tag titles, Ross. Simple as that."

JR: "Let's hear the official announcement."

Lillian: "The winners of the match in 3 minutes 43 seconds -- CobainWasMurdered & Some Guy!"

*CobainWasMurdered grabs a mic, he's not even breathing hard.*

JR: "Looks like the aWo have something to say."

CWM: "You see what we just did?? That's exactly what we're going to do to every team in our path until we are the OAOAST Tag Team Champions! Because We Are JUST 2 SWEET~!"

SG: "Your Damn right CWM! We are 2 Sweet, the aWo is the dominant force in the OAOAST and we're the dominant force in the aWo. It's all quite simple. When you're the aWo your aWo 4 EVA~! And we're going to be Tag Champs 4 EVA~!"

CWM: "And when we win we're gonna dedicate the belts to our leader ANGLESAULT. Get well soon buddy, we miss ya!!"

*The Porno Music Plays and CWM & SG depart from the ring.*

Tony "The Body": "Oh, isn't that sweet? They decicated the match to the injured World Champion, Anglesault."

JR: "Nothing wrong with that."

Tony "The Body": "Sure there isn't."

JR: "Fans, we're back with The Great Angle Bash Control Center."

Tony "The Body": "Hosted by ME, Jim Ross!"

JR: "Yes, Tony. You're hosting that segment, NEXT!"

-----Commerical for the OAOAST Magazine

"This months issue of the OAOAST Magazine features an interview from the Commissioner of The Intense Zone, Big Poppa Popick! 10 questions with Tony "The Body". And why Anglesault turned down a WWE contract. All that and more! Only in this months OAOAST Magazine! If your local newsstand doesn't have it. ASK FOR IT BY NAME!!"

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JR: "We're back with our final match of the evening. Now let's head back to the ring for another exciting contest here on World Championship Wrestling!"

Harry Bore-O-Witz vs. Alfdogg

Lillian: "The following contest is a Non-Title match.

Already in the ring, from parts unknown -- weighing 235 pounds, Harry Bore-O-Witz. (Small pop)

Lillian: "And His opponent, from Anderson, Indiana -- weighing 250 pounds, the OAOAST Intercontinental Champion, Alfdogg!" (Mixed reaction)

*Kona Crush hits and Alfdogg makes his way to the ring.*

Witz attacks before the bell and whips him, but alfdogg reverses and gives him a hellacious spinebuster, AA style.

JR: "Harry obviously trying to get a jump start -- attacked Alfdogg."

Tony "The Body": "It's going to be tougher to beat a current Champion. Alfdogg has his A game tonight. On June 23rd, he has a unification match with the Hardcore Champion, EvenflowDDT to decided the first Television Champion."

JR: "The IC & Hardcore titles will be unified Sunday, June 23rd."

Obviously pissed off over the sneak attack, Alfdogg immediately goes to the top and finishes it quick with the five-star Alf splash, and actually gets a face pop from the crowd.


JR: "That's it. It's over."

Tony "The Body": "Alfdogg made quick work out of this guy."

Lillian: "The winner of the match, Alfdogg!"

He then pounds the shit out of him with his nunchucks. Kona Crush hits, and Alfdogg goes to the camera to say: "Evenflow, watch this match over and over. It's just proof of the saying:

NOBODY beats Alfdogg...


*Camera pans to Jim Ross & Tony "The Body" standing at ringside.*

JR: "Tony, great night of OAOAST action on our first show, here on World Championship Wrestling."

Tony "The Body": "The name says it all, Jim Ross. You going to see World Championship Wrestling every Saturday."

JR: "Fans..."

Tony "The Body": "Don't forget, Jim Ross. We'll be doing commentary at The Great Angle Bash -- Sunday, June 23rd. First time a whole OAOAST Pay-Per-View will feature commentary."

JR: "That's correct. Fans, mark that date down. For Lillian Garcia, Tony "The Body", I'm Jim Ross -- until next week on World Championship Wrestling, so long everybody."





Big Poppa Popick


Mystery Eskimo

The Superstar

Supervising Producers


Big Poppa Popick

Executive Producer



All rights reserved.

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