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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

Le AngleManie XIII booking, 3.30.14 Chicago!

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Seriously its called Le AngleManie!


Presented by Sophie!


Hosted by Odin, Allfather and Lord of Anglemania!


OAOAST World Heavyweight Championship

Krista Isadora Duncan Vs The Xavier Franklin Long



The set has changed! Please take note! The stage is arranged in a large semi circle, the middle of which is the typical Wrestlemania structure type deal with video screens and such. The wrestlers enter through one of two tunnels, heels through the right and faces through the left. The tunnels can be customised for each entrance as you like, if you like, but default they're basically default perspex tunnels. Either side of this, making up the semi circle, are bleacher seats. With fans. So there's a bit more of a gap between this 'entrance' and the 'stage' so everybody can still have pyro. The actual stage is an 'endzone', which is a floor video screen. During the show it'll be an AngleMania themed endzone and during entrances it'll be a video screen themed to entrances. Try not to slip on it!


Despite this setup being very clearly XFL centric and inspired, there will also be French flags flying somewhere around the entrance because it is, after all, Sophie's AngleManie.



The official themesong:

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The location: A specially designed by Sophie Grey CEMETERY


The cost of construction: Alfdogg's salary!


The rules:


1.The competitors each start in different locations of the graveyard with Aisling in the CENTER,

the first to BURY AISLING ALIVE win hers title. Aisling wins by BURYING ANYONE ALIVE


2.No Holds Are Barred


3.All weapons are LEGAL


4.All supernatural powers are LEGAL


The competitors:


1.Clar Aisling DeLacey (Women's Champion)

2.Sugar Belle

3.Melissa Nerdly

4.Gloss Angieacola

5.Titania Nerdly


7.Annagret Wickedborn

8.Cinnamon Spoons

9.Lyric DeLacey (should she be alive)

10.Anastasia Violetta

11.Maggie Nerdly

12.Dasha Yuschenko

13.Sunshine Yukino

14.Rhaenys The Unheard

15.December Belle

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