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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

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Chanel #99

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***James Riggs W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs Christian Wright***
Big IQ and Pierce Duncan sat on commentary for this matchup. Neither showed the other much respect, but Pierce's boast about IQ getting beat up by his sister last year fell short when taking into account the fact that Pierce's whole life has been spent being beat up by Krista.

As for the match, Amberlyn attempted to provide strategy to Riggs, but ripping Wright's nose off probably wouldn't be too easy. Riggs tried a more technical route in fighting Wright, but was one upped every step of the way and bailed to regroup. The fans and IQ taunted Riggs, which didn't help his dour move. He made a move to yell at one good looking gal in the front row and Wright had none of that! He pounded on Riggs and accepted a kiss on the cheek from the woman as a reward. Amberlyn of course made the mad.gif face to this. Riggs found some offense in the ring, mostly using back rakes, thumbs to the eye and the like to batter Wright. They were good enough for Amberlyn, who delighted in her predicated victory for Wright. Riggs' missed spear didn't help that goal, and the building dominance of Wright wasn't much assistance either. Amberlyn told Pierce to help Riggs, but the moment Pierce got up, Ice Quiz beat him down! Amberlyn's remaining 2013 was finally ruined by Wright defeating Riggs with a Kiss From A Rose (Gordbuster)

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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***James Riggs W/Amberlyn Duncan Vs Christian Wright***
Big IQ and Pierce Duncan sat on commentary for this matchup. Neither showed the other much respect, but Pierce's boast about IQ getting beat up by his sister last year fell short when taking into account the fact that Pierce's whole life has been spent being beat up by Krista.

As for the match, Amberlyn attempted to provide strategy to Riggs, but ripping Wright's nose off probably wouldn't be too easy. Riggs tried a more technical route in fighting Wright, but was one upped every step of the way and bailed to regroup. The fans and IQ taunted Riggs, which didn't help his dour move. He made a move to yell at one good looking gal in the front row and Wright had none of that! He pounded on Riggs and accepted a kiss on the cheek from the woman as a reward. Amberlyn of course made the mad.gif face to this. Riggs found some offense in the ring, mostly using back rakes, thumbs to the eye and the like to batter Wright. They were good enough for Amberlyn, who delighted in her predicated victory for Wright. Riggs' missed spear didn't help that goal, and the building dominance of Wright wasn't much assistance either. Amberlyn told Pierce to help Riggs, but the moment Pierce got up, Ice Quiz beat him down! Amberlyn's remaining 2013 was finally ruined by Wright defeating Riggs with a Kiss From A Rose (Gordbuster)

Winner: Christian Wright, via pinfall

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***Leon Rodez and Sloppy Joe w/Maggie Nerdly, Abdullah and Brickston -VS- D*LUX w/Jade Rodez-Duncan, Maya Duncan-Blanchard and Lorelei DeCenzo***
As a precursor to Leon's upcoming one on one match with Tyler Bryant, he and Sloppy Joe took on D*LUX in tag team action. D*LUX had all three of their new 'management team' in their corner for the first time since Lorelei alligned herself with them. Tyler made a statement in the opening stages by thoroughly outwrestling Joe, with Leon left to look on. Quick double teams left Joe sucking wind, until he suffered a Showtime Stomp but then caught Shayne with a Bossman style slam as he ran back off the ropes. This shifted the momentum of the match and The Menagerie set about wearing down Showtime Shayne.

The new D*LUX management team took different roles, Jade playing cheerleader, Lorelei more studious and Maya carrying out the important 'mild disinterest' role as Shayne took his share of punishment. Able to create some miscommunication and mistiming from Leon and Joe, Shayne managed to engineer a mishap which saw Joe accidentally splash Leon in the corner instead of him. When Tyler got the tag, he gave Joe the runaround again, until Leon intervened. The Menagerie's attempt at a double team was broken up by Shayne though and both Menagerie members were sent outside, where D*LUX flew out onto them with stereo topés. More double team offense from D*LUX had Joe ready to be finished, but Leon reached in to pull Shayne outside before a double superkick could connect. Joe took advantage with an Inverted Powerslam and big legdrop but could only earn a two count. With Leon and Shayne keeping each other occupied at ringside, Joe looked to finish Tyler with It's Called A Manwich. Tyler was too quick for Joe's crossbody and intercepted him coming off the ropes, improbably hitting a samoan drop on the bigman. After a shining enziguri, Tyler pointed out Leon and delivered a running yakuza kick which felled Sloppy Joe, which secured the win for D*LUX as Shayne held Leon's legs to prevent him getting back in and making a save.

Winner: D*LUX, via pinfall


In his office, OAOAST President Alfdogg was interviewed by Josh Matthews. Alf discussed both the upcoming New Year's Spectacular and Anderson Cup without a hitch, before Josh asked about the recent claims of a management conspiracy made by Bohemoth. Alf refuted the claims as "silly" and wrote off Jesse Ventura offering his opinion last week as any sort of proof of an agenda against Bohemoth. Sophie interjected to back Alf up and to prove it, announced that Bohemoth would be named a participant in the 2014 Lethal Rumble match. This seemed to be news to Alfdogg, but he made no objections and hoped giving him this opportunity would put an stop to Bohemoth's complaints.

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*** The All-American Boys vs. The Everlasting Gobthrobbers ***

During the bout it was announced OAOAST officials upheld last week’s shocking tag title switch, citing Pretty Dreamy, Bitches rain check request from a couple weeks ago, resulting in the MITB-esque cash-in. It was also announced the OAOAST carried out their threat of major punishment for the AABs refusal to return the tag titles following November Reign.

The match itself was basically a one-sided affair as BPT and MD beat the AABs like a red-headed stepchild, ending after BPT made Liberty tap out to the Lay-Z-Boy.

Winners: Big Papa Thrust & Mr. Dick

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Everlasting Gobthrobbers vs. Jose Cantu-Si & Milkman - NEW YEAR’S SPECTACULAR
Landon Maddix & Tim Cash vs. Brickston & Abdullah
Dem Bums vs. VICE
Jo-Jo Whoa & B.T. Kidd vs. The Sons of Ragnarok


Christ Air Express vs. Mardi Gras Hellfire Club
The Party Bridge vs. Big IQ
D*LUX vs. Celtic Gothic

The bracket was even able to be properly analyzed by anyone due to an incident backstage. Aisling had come to wish Teen Scream good luck against Sons of Ragnarok, and wound up biting their wrists! The two were deeply upset, but Aisling maintained she just got overly excited and meant no harm. She apologized profusely and ran off with their blood fresh on their fangs.

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***AC The Exile Vs “Outlaw†Don Cello***
Sophie's announcement of Outlaw as AC's next opponent was met with jeers from the fans, but a wild sort of mania from The Exile, who ran to the ramp to “greet†Outlaw upon his entrance. Greet in quotation marks means he attacked him! The Exile hammered away at Outlaw atop the ramp, forgetting the fact that a match is supposed to be conducted in the ring. Due to his larger size and fighting background, Outlaw made a violent comeback against The Exile. He battered him with body blows, and moved him to the ring.

Inside the ring, Cello went about a leisurely decimation of AC's hopes and dreams. AC tried valiantly to secure full time employment with a furious array of high flying moves. But the longer the match went on, the more punishment he took and the harder it became to to perform said moves. As such AC was defeated by the clothesline from hell known as The Lasso!

Winner: Outlaw Don Cello, via pinfall

Post match, Outlaw announced his plans to win the Lethal Rumble and that anyone who eliminated him could expect to incur a lifetime of misery for getting in his way.

After that announcement Biffman was shown next to Melody and n00b as well as Baron and J-MAX. Biffman told us that Pike's attack on him last week broke neither his back nor his spirit and that he'd deliver the ultimate justice to Pike at New Years Spectacular in their No Holds Barred match.

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*** Simon Singleton & Teddy Buckwoirth vs. The X.F.L. (OAOAST World Champion) & Brock Ausstin ***

With Ned Blanchard doing guest commentator to hype the upcoming U.S. title bout at the New Year’s Spectacular between himself and the XFL, Simon Singleton (bandaged on forehead from ::beltshot:: received last week) and Teddy Buckworth gave the two All-XFL Team members all they could handle. It was a fast-paced affair filled with exciting highspots and jaw dropping power moves.

Late in the contest, as all four superstars brawled inside, All-XFL Team General Manager Rick Heyross looked to interfere only for Ned Blanchard to leave Sofa Central and strike the blowhard. The XFL took the opportunity to land a cheap shot, prompting Ned to dive in the ring and retaliate to cause a DQ. Simon then jumped on his Anglepalooza opponent as Brock pulled Ned away. Teddy joined in to help Ned rid the ring of Brock thanks to a double clothesline. Soon thereafter the XFL bailed, leaving Ned, Simon amd Teddy standing tall.

Winners: The X.F.L. & Brock Ausstin

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The scene is Deidre’s office, or what office a practicing witch can have, outfitted with a variety of macabre devices and well aged books. Storming into it is ANNAGRET WICKEDBORN.


Annagret looks forward and only sees JORMUNGANDR with his feet up on Deidre's desk.

The princess has arrived.

Ugh. What are you doing here?

A snake seeks answers. A witch has presented many questions. Would the princess care to hear a few?

Nah, gonna go on not caring about you or anything you have to say. Life is so awesome that way.

Jormugandr's pouty lips form into a sorrowed frown.

A princess should consider a snake's heart. No? Dishonesty need not breed animosity. Love was built on less.

Ugh! Did you just ask me out?! You're, like, my dad's personal floor mat! Like, I could really go out with you after you after my dad just scraped Dark Elf blood off on his boots on your face. Gawds!

Jormungandr's deep set eyes find Annagret's and his voice softens to even more of a sing-song style.

A princess would do wise to consider a snake. A snake can reach the nooks and crannies of the realms a princess can not. A princess is noticed in the grass, a snake is not, not until the snake's teeth are sunk into the flesh.

Ugh, even the loserest of the earth boys, and there's plenty of 'em, can come up with a better line than that. You're not bad looking, but you open your mouth and I'm getting like a toxic waste dump built over a Barnes and Noble kind of vibe.

Why has a princess come to visit a witch?

Quit rolling around in your neighbor's gardens and pay attention! This suck ass witch messed everything up for everyone and me most importantly. She's got Morgan under this crazy spell and I dunno what it's supposed to do that's any good. Why's a little girl from Canada supposed to come after a big girl from Asgard with a knife. So not a fair fight, people! And while I'm here, I'm just gonna make her turn Oscar back to the coffee shop prissy dude he used to be.

Jormungandr chuckles, which Annagret is confused by.

I'm not being funny, Jake The Snake!

The princess cares about the earth clan.

I don't! Take that back!

The princess is offered romance and protection from the moment she enters. But she seeks out platonic validation from acquaintances instead.

Repeat in normal people words please!

The princess will force a witch to return Morgan to her old state, and do the same for Oscar. The princess does this so that she may return to the OAOAST and receive a smile or a hug from those the princess can not express fondness to.

Wow...you...really....got it TOTALLY 100 PERCENT WRONG! I don't care about hugs and smiles, that's Cinnamon crap, I just wanna be able to scowl at people without them pulling knives on me or snapping necks.

The princess should never lie to a master liar. It is unwise. The Allfather is a great man, but he is a poor father. The princess never knew love as a youth, as a young woman she will never know how to accept love. A snake is saddened by the princess' lament.

Annagret is about to counter Jormungandr's comment when she notices the hilt of sword on a nearby book shelf.

Hey, hold up! I know this sword.

Annagret sweeps the hilt off the shelf and takes it into her hands.

A princess eyes a mystery. Will a princess yet realize there is more comfort in the lie than the truth.

Where is she? Where's Deirdre?

A princess needs only follow the trail of blood.


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As we return from break there is indeed a trail of blood on the cobble walkway that leads to beautifuly decorated courtyard. Flames shimmer from brazier's and fireplaces and plants still hang lively even in the winter months. Less magnificent is the bloody body of a muscular bald man Annagret walks up to.


The man was merely designed to look like Fenrir as the real one emerges behind Annagret and attaches her arms in manacles!


Jormugandr looks over the balcony of the courtyard with Deirdre positioned at his side.

A lie will always serve you better than the truth.

Lemme go!

We will, we will. But we need some of your blood first.

My dad's gonna kill you!

I think he'll praise our wisdom first.
Who wants to taste the blood of a goddess?!

Deirdre's shout brings out a round of wild hisses and emerging from the darkness is the troubling sight of an army of downtrodden, blood lusting vampires.


The vampires grin and hiss, these clearly not the smooth cool ones like Lyric and Gloss or the flighty mysterious kind like Aisling. These are more like wild animals lumbering towards Annagret.

I'm warning you, go find a Bath N Body Works and a shower!

Annagret's arms flash downwards in speed altogether inhuman. Even without much effort in the move  the manacles are broken and the goddess is free.  

Everyone here is gonna die.

The following song plays for our scene


Carved earth, cold
Hiding from you in this skin, so old
I'll come clean
Everywhere everyone knows it's me

The vampires are so thirsty for Annagret's holy blood they don't heed the sharp warning of the goddess and surge forward. Annaget swings forward, death in American Eagle, her hands reaching into the bodies of two vampires and ripping out their hearts!

And if I recover
Will you be my comfort
Or it can be over
Or we can just leave it here
So pick any number
Choose any color
I've got the answer
Open the envelope

Three more vampires come after Annagret, but she snaps the neck of the first with her hands, and uses him a bludgeon against the other two battering them to the ground.  A fourth enters unexpectedly with an attempt to leap onto her back. Annagret sidesteps him and then wheels away from another's reach, putting them both with their backs to her. That's just perfect for the goddess as her hands tear into their chest and remove their hearts.

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change or part ways
And you take what you need
And you don't need me

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change our old ways
And you take what you need
And you know you don't need me

Two more vampires are hurtled across the air and find their landing place a wooden table that shatters beneath their combined weight. The remaining splinters form good stakes for Annagret and she is all too pleased to put them within her aggressor’s hearts.

Blow by blow
Honest in every way I know
You appear
To face a decision I know you fear

And if I recover
Will you be my comfort
Or it can be over
Or we can just leave it here
So pick any number
Choose any color
I've got the answer
Open the envelope

An approach is made by one vampire that's warded off by Annagret launching a stake into his heart.  He stumbles towards his violent end, and Annagret takes the stake back into her possession. Her eyes flare wildly, blue super novas that watch as arm swings to it's side to stake her next victim. Her entire body dances in a marvelous blur that's used to snap the neck of an attacker.

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change or part ways
And you take what you need
And you don't need me

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change our old ways
And you take what you need
And you know you don't need me

Placed near a brazier Annagret's sweeps it off the ground to employ fire in her efforts towards destruction and mayhem. With rising fires come rising problems with Fenrir making his way through the vampires, drool oozing from his mouth. Annagret swings her brazier towards him, the flames catching onto several vampires, creating a fiery obstacle course in his path. Annagret isn't one to let the burning bodies due to her work for her and she uses her long legs to propel them at Fenrir, stoking his anger with each body he dodges.

And you know you don't need me

And if I recover
Will you be my comfort
Or it can be over
Or we can just leave it here
So pick any number
Choose any color
I've got the answer
Open the envelope

Its a prick. Only the smallest of pricks. Its one Annagret hardly notices until she sees the blood oozing out the bite marks on her shoulder.  She looks at it more annoyed with it than anything. Yet when she looks up Fenrir is gone, any remaining vampires are gone, Jormungandr is gone and, Deirdre is gone. All that remains is her standing lost in a strewn stream of people she's killed.

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change or part ways
And you take what you need
And you don't need me

I'll give you one more chance
To say we can change our old ways
And you take what you need
And you know you don't need me


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