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OAOAST TMW: A comedy/erotic e-fed

The Body Shop - 5/11/02, It's here.

Chanel #99

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:The opening of the show is aired with "The Body Shop" announcer Coach saying Caboose is the first guest ever. The pyro hits, as the camera pans over the great crowd on hand who are cheering like crazy::

::Coach appears on the stage behind 'The Body Shop' logo::

Coach: "Ladies & Gentleman, please welcome your host. The man who tells it like it is...Tony "The Body"!"

::MASSIVE ovation, as "The Body" appears::

Tony "The Body": "Thank you, Coach. Welcome everybody to the debut of 'The Body Shop'!" [Crowd cheers, while others chant TONY! TONY! TONY!"]

Tony "The Body": "Thank you. Let me explain to you what you're about to see. First off, as you can see. We have a live studio audience. [Crowd cheers] The crew did a great job on the set. Check it out. ::Camera pans over the set:: The set is a wrestling ring, of course the center part of the ring has no ropes, so you can see. Look at this. You have to come out from the entrance, then climbs the steps before entering the ring. How cool is that? [Crowd cheers] Our interview segment is called "The Body Slam". [Crowd cheers] Our first guest ever is going to be Caboose. [Crowd boos]. I give the man credit for showing up on my show after what happened last week on HeldDOWN! [Crowd cheers] HA-HA! On 'The Body Shop', my guest and I will take questions from you the fans via our live studio and e-mail. E-mail us at TheBody@thisaddressisfake.com [Crowd cheers] I'm excited, so lets get right to it. Fans, what a show we have tonight! We'll be back after this quick timeout with 'The Body Control Center'.

::Commerical Ad for AngleSlam::

"May 18th, live and only on PPV. TheSmartMarks.com presents OAOAST AngleSlam! An event so big, it has two main events.

The first main event is WarGames featuring the aWo vs. the Deadly Alliance & Faces of Fear.

The second main event is a "Stairway to Heaven" match. OAOAST World Champion, Anglesault defends his title against TheSoleSurvivor.

AngleSlam, May 18. Only on PPV!

Card subject to change"

::We're back, as the graphics of 'The Body Control Center' appear::

Tony "The Body": "This is 'The Body Control Center'! May 18 will be a night to remember. As the TheSmartMarks.com presents the OAOAST AngleSlam. An event SO BIG, it has two main events.

The first main event is WarGames. The aWo vs. the Deadly Alliance & Faces of Fear. The winning team gets to pick one member to become the #1 contender for the OAOAST World Title.

The second main event is a "Stairway to Heaven" match. The World Heavyweight Champion, Anglesault defends his title against TheSoleSurvivor.

The object of the match is to grab the ladder from ringside. Once it's placed in the center of the ring. A steel cage will then surround the top of the ladder. A scaffold with weapons will be at the side of the cage. If that isn't enough...Hell In The Cell will be over the scaffold. You also have to climb up the Hell In A Cell with your opponent. The only way to win is to throw your opponent off the top of the cell. If somebody falls from the first cage or scaffold. The other man would have to pick up his near crippled body, take him back to the top, and drop him. That's going to be wild!

Also at AngleSlam...there will be a match for the OAOAST IC Championship. The IC Champ, CobainWasMurdered faces off against Alfdogg. Pennywise vs. Rikishi. Brock Lesnar vs. Jason. A Hardcore Tournament will also take place with two semi-finals matches. The Sandman vs. Evenflow DDT & MarioLogan vs. Treble Charged. Plus, Caboose vs. Angle-Plex inside Hell In A Cell.

This all happens May 18! Live! And only on PPV. It's AngleSlam!"


::The audience cheers wildy as we return from the break.::

Tony "The Body": "We're back! Now it's that time of the show where I take you questions. We'll start off with an e-mail from Scott in the Sunshine State. ::Camera gets close up of e-mail::

"Hey, yo! Tony, you're doing a helluva job, chico. I just want to know, if the OAOAST is hiring any wrestlers?" [Crowd laughs]

Tony "The Body": "Well, Scott, the OAOAST are always open to new talent. We don't travel much. [Crowd laughs again] If you see or read our shows results...you would know we only have THE INTENSE ZONE on Monday & HeldDOWN! on Thursday. With "The Body Shop" on Saturdays & our PPV's could be any day of the week. Also, besides "The Body", nobody else gets paid. The drinks are on the house, though. [Crowd goes OHHHHHH!]

Next question from Dan in our audience.

Dan: "Great show, Body! My quesion is about AngleSlam. Who do you think will win WarGames & the 'Stairway to Heaven'


Tony "The Body": "First off, Dan, of course the show is great. 'The Body' is hosting it! [Crowd laughs & cheers] WarGames is going to be crazy. But I see a member of the Deadly Alliance or Faces of Fear winning. There are too many questions surrounding the aWo. Especially with Angle-Plex & Caboose meeting inside Hell In A Cell. As for 'Stairway to Heaven'. I gotta go with the Heavyweight Champion of the World. Anglesault doesn't have to beat TheSoleSurvior. TheSoleSurvior has to beat Anglesault. Easier said than done.

Next question is an e-mail from Stephanie in Stamford.

"Hi, Tony, you are a great talent. You are the best announcer period! I hear you write your own show. I do a little writing myself, while playing "The Game". Although it's a very small game. Any chance of you working for WWE?

Tony "The Body": "Never say never, but "The Body" is happy here in OAOAST. [Crowd cheers & chants TONY! TONY! TONY!] One word of advice, baby, I hope you never write a book...because your writing SUCKS!" [Huge pop from the crowd]

Tony "The Body": "We're back after this break with 'The Body Slam' & Caboose. Stay tuned!"


::The crowd cheers as we return from the break::

Tony "The Body": "Welcome back to "The Body Shop". My first ever guest has a match on May 18th at AngleSlam against Angle-Plex inside Hell In A Cell. Please welcome to "The Body Shop", Caboose."

::Caboose appears from the entrance way to boos. Caboose steps into the ring::

Tony "The Body": "Welcome to the show, Caboose. May 18th, you have a match versus Angle-Plex inside Hell In A Cell. You're both aWo members. Why the match? Why not play a game of chess? Is there more to this we don't know about?"

Caboose: "Thanks for the spot on the show. Well to be honest at first there were trust issues between me and AnglePlex. But after revaluating things is obvious that it was just a communications breakdown.

At first I wanted to take AP down, but I realised that he is my friend, so now our match is going to be a warmup for the WARGAMES match."

Tony "The Body": "That's interesting. Last week after HeldDOWN! I caught up with Angle-Plex, and this is what he said. After this, we'll take a question from Molly in the crowd. Take a look at the video wall, Caboose."

::Caboose & Tony turn to the video wall::

Tony "The Body": "Angle-Plex, any comments on your match with Caboose at AngleSlam, inside Hell In A Cell?"

Angle-Plex: "Yeah, I have something to say. Me and Caboose, Hell in a Cell at AngleSlam. Two aWo members fighting for the first time ever. Does anyone care? No. Because all they care about is seeing me, the most popular aWo member, in action. Don't believe me? Look at these statistics from angleplex.com"

::AP holds up a pie chart that is obviously fake::

AP: "This was taken off a poll on angleplex.com. If you look here, in the blue section, it shows that I have 96% of the votes. Anglesault, CWM, Some Guy, and Bigs all have 1 percent.

All that leaves is, well, Caboose. Caboose is represented by the orange section of the pie chart. What's that? Don't see any orange? That's because Caboose got 0%. That's right, not one vote.

Caboose wants to fight me in a Hell In The Cell match? That's fine. I gave him a fair chance to back out of the match, and he just kept pushing me. So at AngleSlam, he'll see just why I am the most popular member of the aWo. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some autographs to sign"

::AP leaves the locker room, as we cut back to "The Body" & Caboose in the studio::

Tony "The Body": What about that, Caboose? You said one thing and Angle-Plex said another. Looks like he's taking this more seriously than you. This doesn't look like some "communication breakdown" to me. What's the story? And most importantly, how do you response to Angle-Plex's comments?"

Caboose: "No Comment.

Tony "The Body": "No comment? What the hell is that?"

Caboose: "Are You insinuating that we've got problems?"

Tony "The Body": "That's exactly what I'm saying. You...."::Caboose cuts Tony off::

Caboose: "The aWo is as kosha as the Royal Family (Ironic). And Tony, I don't like your attitude! You're trying cause problems within the aWo.

Tony "The Body": "Trying to cause problems? Let me tell you something. You've been on my case since the time I debuted at HeldDOWN! and punched you. As a matter of fact, seeing is beliving. So lets go back to HeldDOWN!"

::Clip is show of "The Body" punching Caboose::

::[Crowd cheers] We cut back to Caboose & Tony in the ring::

Tony "The Body": "How about that?"

::In a low pitched voice:: "Excuse me. Can I ask my question" says Molly wearing a red, white & blue dress, sitting in the crowd.

Tony "The Body": "I'm sorry. You may ask you question. Is that ok with you Caboose?"

Caboose: "Yeah, you bitch."

Tony "The Body": "That's it. I'm tired of you! You got a problem?

::Molly hits Caboose with a chair:: [Crowd is in shock]

Tony "The Body": "What the hell is this? Molly is attacking Caboose with a chair. Molly, what are you doing?"

::Molly rips off her hair and dress::

Tony "The Body": "It's Angle-Plex! What the hell are you doing here?"

Angle-Plex: "I...."::Caboose attacks Angle-Plex:: [Crowd is cheering like crazy]

Tony "The Body": "We got a huge brawl out here. Get the bodyguards out here to remove them!"

::The bodyguards pull apart Caboose & Angle-Plex:: [both men are cussing at each other]

Tony "The Body": "WOW! What a night! ::Tony looks at where Caboose & Angle-Plex are at:: They're being taken out of the studio. Fans, THE INTENSE ZONE is Monday. HeldDOWN! is Thursday. The Body Shop is Saturday. AngleSlam is May 18. What a night this has been. Until next Saturday, good night everybody!

::Show credits are shown::

::Off air::

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