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OAOAST HeldDOWN~! 5/9/02

Chanel #99

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HeldDOWN (May 9, 2002)

::The opening to HeldDOWN! airs, followed by pyro. CWM is standing mid-ring with a Championship belt::

CWM: "Welcome to the debut show of the OAOAST HeldDOWN! [Crowd Pops] At this time, we're going to present an Honorary Championship Belt to a man many of you know [Crowd chants TONY! TONY! TONY!]. Ladies & Gentleman, would you please welcome to HeldDOWN! The man who tells it like it is...Tony "The Body"!

::"Simply Ravishing" hits:: "The Body" walks down to ringside to a THUNDEROUS ovation.

::Tony "The Body" & CWM shake hands::

CWM: "Welcome to HeldDOWN!, Tony.

"The Body": I'll tell you what Cobain. There's no other place in the World "The Body" would rather debut than in Philly, baby! [MASSIVE POP] It's no secret "The Body" has stayed away from such high profile events. But there's only one man who can make an impact on a debut show, and that's "The Body". [Crowd Pops] I'm excited for HeldDOWN! What a main event we got. We have you Cobain & Angle-Plex vs. Zack Malibu & Evenflow DDT. That's going to be a helluva fight, right Cobain. HA-HA! But there's one event "The Body" can't wait for. And that's AngleSlam, May 20. Especially War Games. You have the aWo, the In-Crowd, the Deadly Alliance & The Faces of Fear. Those men will go in 100%, but come out with a lot of pain, and a helluva lot of blood-loss. You know Cobain, we might be able to open up our own blood-bank after War Games. [Crowd laughs] I'm glad I'm not involved in that match. Now present me with the belt. Why did you take so long to present me the belt Cobain?"

CWM: "I was waiting for you to finish." [Crowd boos]

"The Body": HA-HA! It seems the fans didn't appreciate you slamming "The Body".

CWM: "Ok, Tony. Now is the time I will present you with the belt. On behalf of the OAOAST & HeldDOWN! I present you with an Honorary Championship Belt. [Crowd Pops] ::CWM gives title to Tony:: ::Tony holds up the belt:: [big Pop]

::Faith No More's 'Epic' hits::

::Caboose heads to the ring::

Caboose: "Hold on a minute, I wrestle day in, day out, kick ass all over the arena, make people sigh, make people cry and almost make people die, but here I am with no belt.

Yet this bum overlooks the thread and he gets an honorary belt. WHATSUPWITDAT?!? [Crowd chants ASSHOLE]

Caboose: "SHUT UP! Fine if you all want to kiss up to this SOB then fine, but Tony149, 'The Body', the ScumHole or whatever you call yourself, watch your back because by the end of the show, that belt will be the Honorary Caboose Belt!

And another thing..." ::"The Body" punches Caboose. [HUGE Pop]

"The Body": "Caboose, you've just found out the hard way that you don't mess with "The Body" you little bastard! "The Body" is back, and so are we after this commerical.

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HeldDOWN RETURNS FROM THE BREAK: SOME GUY VS. ALFDOGG, 1 fall 20 minute time limit

Some Guy is already in the ring when we return from the break. AlfDogg calmly alks down to the ring and he and SG who are to b on the same team at WAR GAMES engage in a stare down. SG gets things started with some VICIOUS Some chops to AD’s chest. AD stumbles but doesn’t go down. SG backs up and takes a running start, he goes for the running Some Lariot but AD ducks and SG goes tumbling to the floor. AD follows him to the ground and sends him into the STEEEEEEL stairs hard. AD goes to piledrive SG on the floor but SG backdrops him and rolls back into the ring and lies in a heap. AD gets to his feet and gets into the ring and goes to pick up SG but SG was playing possum and rolls him up. 1..2…but AD kicks out. AD irish whips SG but SG reverses and than follows up with a SOME Kick to the knee and then he applies a SOME lock but AD makes it to the ropes and rolls out of the ring to collect himself. But SG doesn’t allow him the time to recover and follows him out and tosses him back into the ring. AD goes down on his knees in the corner and begs off. SG gets over confident and AD pokes him in the eye (OLD SCHOOL).

AD gices SG a DDT and a german suplex for a 2.5 count and then he goes up top for a Diving Headbut, but SG rolls out of the way and applies the SOME Lock again. AD manages to kick him off and SG falls into the ref, knocking the referee out cold. When SG goes to check on the ref, AD reaches into his tights and pulls out a roll of quarters and NAILS SG over the head with them knocking him out. AD covers but there’s no ref.

CWM runs down to the ring as AD is trying to get the ref up and CWM spins AD around and gives him a PollyCUtter and puts SG on top of him. The ref crawls over and 1..2..3!!!

Winner: SOME GUY by Pinfall


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A black stretch limousine pulls up outside of the arena. Emerging from the limo is Zack Malibu, the founder of The In Crowd. He sees the cameraman filming his arrival, and pulls him over to the side.

ZM:"Hey, camera jockey, you want something worth filming, you don't wanna film the car...you wanna film me, me, the Z to the A to the C to the...uh...K. Right. Shanyways, evenflowDDT will be in momentarily, he's a little preoccupied now. (Zack gets close to the camera, and whispers) Kids grow up so fast these days. I mean, just a few days ago, this kid thought he was an outcast, just a rock in a world full of mountains...poor thing got brainwashed by the unappealling grunge fad...I mean, who wears flannel shirts anymore? Those things went out of style with hula hoops! And please, people, don't thank me for 'saving' evenflowDDT, because he saved himself. He's his own man, I'm my own man, and together, we're the best thing going today, we are The In Crowd...and if you ain't in, you'll be taken OUT!"

Zack makes his way to the arena. We still haven't seen evenflowDDT, but we hear women giggling from inside the limo.

::Camera is on the limo, evenflowDDT steps out, with lipstick marks all over his face and collar. He sticks his head back into the limo and says a few indiscernible words and shuts the door. The limo drives off, and Michael Cole is there with a mic.

Cole: evenflowDDT, ever since you've joined with Zack Malibu to create this new In Crowd, wrestlers like cobainwasmurdered, MarioLogan, and Sandman9000, as well as the fans, are saying you sold out. What do you have to say in response to this?

evenflowDDT: Cole, listen up, I'm really tired of having to explain this. A sell out would be someone who changed or falsely represented their appearance and/or demeanor for money, correct?

Cole: Yea, I suppose so.

evenflowDDT: Well, then it's pretty obvious I'm not a sell out. The "old" evenflowDDT wasn't me. I admit I was pretending because I wanted to impress people who I thought were cool and were jealous of. I was such a good pretender that I fooled myself... I wore tattered clothes, I thought I was worthless, I thought I had to prove myself. My match and alliance with Zack showed me one thing, that it's OK to be a preppy, it's OK to be rich, it's OK to be a little smart-alecky, and above all, it's OK to be cool. Yea, so maybe I have a lot more like's or whatever's in my sentences... the truth is, I'm so NOT a sell out now, and if people like CWM and Sandman want to sever friendships because I became true to myself and deep down they're jealous of me, then who needs them? As for the fans... please... Zack and I have more cool in our pinkys than those jackasses do in their whole bodies! I want to help you guys be cool too, and if that requires a total ass-beating from Zack and I, you can be damned sure we'll give it to you tonight. The same goes for Sandman and his little hardcore challenge... you think just because now my clothes are worth more than your life that I somehow lost my ability to fight? All I have to say to that is, at least you became true to yourself to, being a little bitch for the boys upstairs because you're too jealous to hang out with the In Crowd. Oh, and to prove I'm still a nice guy, at AngleSlam, I'll even get you a nice new shiny custom-plated mop to wipe up your own blood stains with after I pulverise you and like, utterly destroy you in the Hardcore tournament.

::evenflowDDT opens his mouth and sprays in some mint mouth wash/spray

evenflowDDT: Man, cutting a promo that cool can be SO tiring. Say, Cole, aren't you supposed to be with the WWE?

Cole: I was fired after some incident on a plane.

evenflowDDT: Oh, bummer. Anyway, I gotta find Zack; we're planning the phattest victory party tonight after the show! Which way did he go?

::Michael Cole points to the left. evenflowDDT leaves to join his tag team partner Zack and discuss match & party plans and change into ring gear.::

::Kona Crush hits and alfdogg comes to the ring.

I have some issues I'd like to address. Thanks to Big Poppa Popick, I am now a participant in War Games.

:mixed reaction form crowd:

I have been teamed with three aWo members. But that makes no difference to me. It just means that I have to try to co-exist with three people I can't trust. Well, I've grown up having to do that, so that won't be difficult. After all, after the beating I gave to caboose at AnglePalooza, I don't have to worry about betrayal from him. And as far as Some Guy goes, if he had any thoughts of betraying me, those will be beaten out of him tonight. Now, Angle-Plex...I don't know this guy very well. I don't know if I can trust him or not. As for right now, he's aWo, which means I don't trust him. Unless he can PROVE otherwise, it will remain that way. Now, at War Games I got all your backs. You better have mine the same way, or there WILL be hell to pay.

And was I referred to as a "B-teamer?" Well, for now, you can hold that opinion, but I will prove otherwise at War Games.

NOBODY beats alfdogg...

NOBODY. (you can notice some of the crowd is starting to say it, too)

Kona Crush hits, alfdogg departs::

::"No Chance..." hits and Vince steps out::

It has come to my attention that Jason's purpose is to maul my WWF. Sorry I mean WWE Superstars!"

::Fans boo wildly::

"Well I have brought back two men who have recieved monster pushes in the past to stop Jason. I actually have four men that will stop him, those two plus, two men on the current RAW roster. I will send them after Jason one at a time to try and end him for good. Jason will face his first opponent at our next TV show. That man is Brock Lesnar! Jason good luck, because you are going to need it!"

::"No Chance...." hits again as Vince leaves::


Back In 30 minutes!

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WE ARE BACK: The Sole Survivor/Big Poppa Popick vs. Anglesault/BIG 1 Fall, 30 minute time limit

PORNO MUSIC HITS and Anglesault/Big STRUT down to the ring. The Sole Survivor and BPP are already in the ring.

Big starts out in the ring with BPP. Big RUDO chops BPP and BPP stumbles back with a big welt on his stomach. BPP goes for a clothesline but Big grabs the arm and pulls him down into a Crippler Crossface. TSS rushes in and breaks it up. Big pulls BPP to his feet and whips him into the corner where AS is standing. Big tags in AS and AS gives BPP a Overhead Belly to Belly for two. AS goes for a german suplex but BPP kicks him in the groin and tags in TSS who hits a quick ddt and a legdrop. TSS whips AS into the corner and distracts the ref as BPP chokes out AS. Big tries to rush to the rescue but the ref stops him, allowing BPP/TSS to double team AS. BPP gets the phantom tag and lays the boots to AS. He lifts him up for a gorilla press but AS falls out of it and hits a desperation German Suplex.

They both lie Limp on the mat as the ref does the double count. At 8 BPP stumbles to his feet and tags in TSS who quickly grabs AS and pulls him back into enemy territory. As they Double team Anglesault, Big is freaking out which only makes things worse as the ref is attending to him. TSS hits the snap suplex and lifts AS up to his shoulders for a Doomsday Device, but as BPP takes off from the turnbuckle AS victory rolls TSS! 1..2..but Zack breaks up the pin fall attempt. BPP and TSS toss AS into the ropes and go for the double clothesline but AS ducks under their arm, and bounces off the ropes with a clothesline of his own. AS crawls towards Big, but BPP gets up and grabs AS, AS goes to kick him in the gut but BPP grabs the leg, AS hits the Enzuguri though and tage in BIG!

BIG is A RUDO HOUSE A FIRE~! Big lays out the In-crowd with clotheslines and Rudo Chops BPP falls to the floor and secretly grabs AS’s HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE. Big and a Recovered Anglesault hit a ANGLESDAY DEVICE on TSS. 1…2…3!!! As the aWo celebrate BPP sneak in and hits Big in the back of the head with the HEAVYWEIGHT BELT. And gives AS FINALITY~! They flee when the rest of the aWo come to make the save.

Winner: AS/Big by Pinfall


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HeldDOWN IS BACK: Cobainwasmurdered/Angle-Plex vs. Zack Malibu/EvenflwDDT 1 fall, 60 minute time limit.

The Porno Music hits and the aWo walk down to the ring. The Saved By The Bell Theme is played and the In-Crowd jump into the ring.

Angle-plex starts out with Evenflow. They lock up and AP locks Evenflow in a headlock. Evenflow tries to shake him off bu bouncing off the ropes but AP goes down to one knee and holds on. Evenflow lifts him up but AP rolls through while still holding the headlock. Evenflow manages to get his foot on the ropes. They lock up again and when AP goes for a headlock Evenflow kicks him in the balls and tags in Zack who hits a quick neckbreaker and a running Zack Attack. He goes for the cover but CWM breaks it up. Zack picks up AP and gives him a stalling brainbuster but instead of pinning him he taunts the crowd, giving AP time to tag in CWM. When Zack turns around he bumps into CWM, but before CWM can grab him he jumps out of the ring to plot with Evenflow.

The In-crowd are so wraped up in their strategy sesion they don’t notice CWM scaling the turnbuckle until it’s too late. CWM moonsaults onto the surprised In-Crowd taking them and himself out. The ref is counting them out but CWM gets up and throws Zack into the ring. CWM Goes to GORE Zack but he moves outta the way and CWM hits the STEEEEL post. Zack tags out and Evenflow stomps away on CWM’s shoulder and then gives him a shoulder breaker. Evenflow applies the crippler crossface and when AP tries to break it up the ref stops him allowing Zack to sneak in and stomp on CWM’s exposed ribs. CWM finally makes it to the ropes and Evenflow breaks the hold.

Evenflow goes for a powerbomb BUT YOU CAN’T POWWERBOMB KIDMA…CWM~! CWM and Evenflow are both laid out. They make it to their feet at the same time and CWM manages to tag in AP. AP IS A HOUSE A FIRE…until Evenflow kicks him in the groin and gives him an EvenflowDDT. 1..2…NO!! AP has his foot on the rope. Evenflow is throwing a fit! He tags in Zack but Zack wastes so much time playing to the crowd that AP has recovered and manages to hit a StoneCold Stunner. AP covers Zack 1..2.. but the ref gets pulled out by a masked man! The masked man jumps into the ring and attacks AP! CWM rushes to his partner’s defence and SPEARS the Masked man. He tears off the mask and it’s…CABOOSE!! Caboose has attacked AP! Caboose hits a stunned CWM and CWM stumbles back towards a waiting Evenflow who gives him the SUBURBAN ANGST for the three count!

As the In-crowd celebrate Sandman 9000 jumps over the barrior and attacks them and they brawl through the crowd.


Ap gets up and sees Caboose lying on the mat. He is enraged and charges Caboose. Anglesault and the rest of the aWo run out and pull the two men apart. CWM is still out cold and the aWo is in turmoil!!!

The Credits Pop Up and The Show Is Over.

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